I am having trouble with an OZ Program (Mozart Programming). I have a code to find the maximum element in a list.
The code I have so far is:
fun {MaxList L1}
case L1
of nil then 0
[] X|Xr then
if {MaxList Xr}>X then {MaxList Xr}
else X
{Browse {MaxList [3 ~2 0 4 5 1]}}
This code will return '5', the max element
However, I am trying to write the code so that it will return the two largest elements in descending order. So first '5', then '4'.
I'm just not sure how to go about doing that. If this was Java, I would create another element Y, with a while loop saying that 'while Y < X (since X = 5)', then lines of code to do the operation. However, as far as I know, OZ does not support the while function. Any ideas? If anyone needs to install Oz for windows, use this website: http://osama-talaat.blogspot.com/2014/03/how-to-setup-mozart-as-oz-programming.html