Pulsating Spirograph [Processing]

Jose_21 -1 Tallied Votes 427 Views Share
int nFrames = 512;
ArrayList shapes;
Phasor phasor;
Phasor phasorAmp;
Phasor phasorWidth;
Phasor phasorHeight;
float offsetX;
float offsetY;

class Phasor {
  float phase = 0.0;
  float inc;
  Phasor(float inc_) {
    inc = inc_;
  Phasor(float inc_, float phase_) {
    inc = inc_;
    phase = phase_;

  void update() {
    phase += inc;
    if (phase >= 1.0) {
      phase -= 1.0;

class Shapes {
  PVector v;
  Shapes() {
    v = new PVector();
  void update() {

class VertexShape extends Shapes {
  VertexShape(float x, float y) {
    v.x = x;
    v.y = y;
  void update() {
    vertex(v.x + offsetX, v.y + offsetY);

PVector getVCoordinates(PVector v, float d, float a) {
  return new PVector(v.x + d * cos(a), v.y + d * sin(a)); 

PVector getVCoordinates(float x, float y, float d, float a) {
  return new PVector(x + d * cos(a), y + d * sin(a)); 

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  shapes = new ArrayList();
  phasor = new Phasor(1.0 / (float) nFrames);
  phasorAmp = new Phasor(1.0 / (float) nFrames * 0.617, 0.5);
  phasorWidth = new Phasor(1.0 / (float) nFrames * 1.333);
  phasorHeight = new Phasor(1.0 / (float) nFrames * 2.111);
  int nShapes = 64;  
  for (int i = 0; i < nShapes; i++) {
    PVector v = getVCoordinates(width * 0.5, height * 0.5, width * 0.25, (float) i / (float) nShapes * TWO_PI * 31);
    shapes.add(new VertexShape(v.x, v.y));

void draw() {
  // Fade last frame
  fill(0, 16);
  rect(0, 0, width, height);
  int lsSize = shapes.size();

  stroke(lerpColor(color(255, 32, 32), color(255, 64, 0), (sin(phasor.phase * TWO_PI) + 1.0) / 2.0));
  float amp = 120.0 * ((cos(phasorAmp.phase * TWO_PI) + 1.0) / 2.0) + 60;
  for (int i = 0; i < lsSize; i++) {
    PVector v = getVCoordinates(0, 0, amp, ((float) i / (float) lsSize + phasor.phase) * TWO_PI);
    offsetX = v.x * sin(phasorWidth.phase * TWO_PI);
    offsetY = v.y * cos(phasorHeight.phase * TWO_PI) * 1.617;
    Shapes thisShape = (Shapes) shapes.get(i);
Reverend Jim 5,145 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

You've posted code with almost no indication (other than the thread title) of what it does. If your program does something interesting then please explain what it does and how to run it. A code snippet is usually posted to educate. Without comments it doesn't do that.

commented: I agree. Without comments or discussion this post has no pulse. "It's dead Jim" +0
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