HI2Japan 23 Junior Poster

I have a database used for Phone record auditing. I am trying to see whether it is possible to have labels within a section disappear for 1 page but appear for another. I'll explain below.

In the page header, I have it display the customers name and phone number as well as the date range for the billing period. Currently, I also have the labels for the details section also in the page header (this is what I want to disappear for the first page of the phone number group).
I have a group based off the phone number and in that I have a write up that the user needs to sign verifying the phone charges are accurate. I do not need the labels for the detail section to show above this.
Next I have the details section which can span multiple pages. I want to be able to see those labels at the top of all pages.
I have a footer for the phone number which forces a new page after the section. This way the write up that needs a signature in the phone numebr group heading will always appear on a new page thus allowing me to give the report to the customer without them seeing anyone elses info.

So in essence I have many reports within my 1 report, but I did not use any subreports.

So is it possible to make controls not be visible for the first page of my report for the customers? Do I need to use sub reports to make this happen or can it be done programatically? I currently do not do any programming but am willing to learn if someone can point me in the right direction.
