I'm writing a script/function to automated putting buttons on the screen.
I'm running into a problem with var substitutions in my strings, which is necessary to make it run.
Here is my code:
Function Get_Btn(MyForm)
Dim Wspace As DAO.Workspace, dbs As DAO.Database, rsDEST As DAO.Recordset
Dim SQLstmt As String, SrcIdx As Variant, frmName, btnName, btnLabl, N
Set Wspace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbs = CurrentDb
DoCmd.Hourglass True
frmName = SourceForm.Name
SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM qryBTNjoin WHERE ([btn_fnm]='" & frmName & "');"
Set rsDEST = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQLstmt, dbOpenDynaset)
With rsDEST
For N = 1 To .RecordCount
btnName = ![btn_nam]
' btnLabl = Eval("SourceForm![" & btnName & "].Caption = ![btn_lab]")
' SourceForm![ & btnName & ].Caption = ![btn_lab]
SourceForm![![btn_nam]].Caption = ![btn_lab]
Eval("SourceForm![btnName].Visible") = ![btn_vis]
Eval("SourceForm![btnName].Enabled") = ![btn_enb]
Next N
End With
DoCmd.Hourglass False
End Function
The lines:
' btnLabl = Eval("SourceForm![" & btnName & "].Caption = ![btn_lab]")
' SourceForm![ & btnName & ].Caption = ![btn_lab]
SourceForm![![btn_nam]].Caption = ![btn_lab]
Eval("SourceForm![btnName].Visible") = ![btn_vis]
Eval("SourceForm![btnName].Enabled") = ![btn_enb]
Are my attempts to get this right and I've done this sort of substitution before, but right now my mind is blank.
The query code is:
SELECT tblButtons.btn_id, tblButtons.btn_fnm, tblButtons.btn_nam, tblButtons.btn_lab, tblButtons.btn_sfm, tblButtons.btn_act, tblButtons.btn_vis, tblButtons.btn_enb
FROM tblButtons LEFT JOIN MSysObjects ON tblButtons.btn_fid = MSysObjects.Id
WHERE (((tblButtons.btn_nam)<>"") AND ((tblButtons.btn_vis)=Yes) AND ((tblButtons.btn_enb)=Yes))
ORDER BY tblButtons.btn_fnm, tblButtons.btn_nam;
The buttons table "tblButtons" is:
Table: tblButtons
Name Type Size Attributes
btn_id Long Integer 4 Fixed Size, Auto-Increment
btn_fid Long Integer 4 Fixed Size
btn_nam Text 20 Variable Length
btn_fnm Text 50 Variable Length
btn_lab Text 80 Variable Length
btn_sfm Text 50 Variable Length
btn_act Text 50 Variable Length
btn_vis Yes/No 1 Fixed Size
btn_enb Yes/No 1 Fixed Size
Table Indexes
Name Number of Fields Order by Order
btn_fid 1 Self Ascending
btn_id 1 Self Ascending
PrimaryKey 1 btn_id Ascending
Field descriptions are:
btn_fid Xref to ID in MSysObjects table
btn_nam button name/identifier as used in form
btn_fnm form name where button resides
btn_lab button label/caption property
btn_sfm subform that button calls, if any
btn_act subroutine that button calls, if any
btn_vis button visible property
btn_enb button enabled property
Some help here would be appreciated.