Here is my dilemma and I hope someone can help me:
[B]First Last Dept[/B]
Dan Smith Accounting
Joe Doe Admin
Mary Boe Accounting
068097110032083109105116104 (for ref. this is Dan Smith)
074111101032068111101 (for ref. this is Joe Doe)
077097114121032066111101 (for ref. this is Mary Boe)
I'm using the following function in my code to convert Table2 data to char
private static string AsciiToString(string content)
string StrValue = "";
if (content.Length < 3)
return "";
while (content.Length > 0)
// convert each ASCII value to the actual character
StrValue += System.Convert.ToChar(System.Convert.ToInt32(content.Substring(0, 3))).ToString();
// Remove the converted value
content = content.Substring(3, content.Length - 3);
content = StrValue;
return content;
What my question is, is there a way to convert the above function to a query.
I'm trying to use the query below but it's not finding a match between the two tables because the data in one table has Ascii values and the other char characters. Any idea how I can modify the query below to incorporate the AsciiToString() function? Thank you so much.
SELECT Table2.Contact
FROM Table2
(SELECT (First+' '+Last) AS FullName FROM Table1 WHERE dept='Accounting') Table1
ON Table2.Contact = Table1.FullName
ORDER BY Table2.Contact