The next few posts will be what's required to get a window to display on the monitor. The code between Main & Pump will probably change as time goes on, but for now this is all that is required. I choose this method or placement because only 28 bytes of stack are used at this point. Nesting pump deeper in application might unnecessarily retain unused stack space.
Application startup & Message Pump
; This is where application begins after OS has done its thing. I use the space before
; ShowMainWnd for anything that is not particularly related to displaying main window or is
; coded into a message handler such as WM_CREATE.
; ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Main enter 28, 0 ; MSG structure in proceedure frame.
call InitFrame ; Set elements of MSG to zero's
; In the event there is a failure creating main window, MSG.wParam has already been
; established. If a different value is required, set it where ever required.
lea ebx, [ebp - 28] ; EBX points to MSG
dec dword [ebx + 8] ; Msg.wParam = -1, default error condition.
call ShowMainWnd ; Execute main body of application
jc .Exit ; NC = 1, Proeedure failed.
xor eax, eax ; EAX = NULL
; Applications message pump, continually scan for messages until WM_QUIT is returned.
.Pump push eax ; Save zero value in EAX
push eax ; wMsgFilterMax
push eax ; wMsgFilterMin
push eax ; hWnd = 0, Desktop
push ebx ; Pointer to MSG
call _GetMessageA@16
and eax, eax ; Evaluate returned value
jz .Exit
; If main window is a dialog box, IsDialog would be evaluated here.
push ebx
call _TranslateMessage@4
push ebx
call _DispatchMessageA@4
pop eax ; Restore NULL
jmp short .Pump
; Application has terminated, either because ShowMainWnd failed or message que
; encountered WM_QUIT. Other fatal errors usually kill app at the point they
; were encountered as ExitProcess will do appropriate cleanup anywhere.
.Exit leave
push dword [ebx + 8] ; MSG.wParam
call _ExitProcess@4 ; Cleanup
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