string calculator

invisal 1 Tallied Votes 301 Views Share

this function will calculate a string formula which support cos, sin, log, abs, mod, and example : [10*2+(2+3)]/(5 mod 4) and you will get the answer, and this function it really easy to plugin with you code.

' Programming by Visal .In
' Email :
' if you like my code please vote for me in PSCODE
' here the link

Function Calc(exp As String) As Double

    'start searching for ()
    'everything between "(" and ")"
    'will calculate first
    Dim startpos As Integer
    Dim Count As Integer
    Dim lexp As String ' left expression
    Dim rexp As String ' right expression
    Dim cmid As String
    Dim exp2 As String
    Dim answer2 As Double
    ' \ and / are same division
    exp = Replace(exp, "\", "/")
    ' "[" and "(" are the same also "]" and ")"
    exp = Replace(exp, "[", "(")
    exp = Replace(exp, "]", ")")
    startpos = InStr(1, exp, "(")
    'we have found "("
    If startpos > 0 Then
        'searching for ")"

        For endpos = (startpos + 1) To Len(exp)
            Select Case Mid(exp, endpos, 1)
                Case "("
                    Count = Count + 1
                Case ")"
                    If Count = 0 Then Exit For
                    Count = Count - 1
            End Select
        Next endpos
        ' if there no ")" we will create ")" automatic
        If Count > 0 Then
            exp = exp & Replace(Space(Count + 1), " ", ")")
            endpos = endpos + Count
        End If
        ' check if () is empty or not
        If endpos <= startpos + 1 Then
            ' if it empty it mean 0
            exp2 = "0"
            exp2 = Replace(exp, "()", "0")
            ' get expression between "(" and ")"
            exp2 = Mid(exp, startpos + 1, endpos - (startpos + 1))
            ' calculate expression between "(" and ")"
            answer2 = Calc(exp2)
            ' replace the expression between "(" and ")"
            ' with the result that we have calculate
            exp2 = Replace(exp, "(" & exp2 & ")", answer2)
        End If
        Calc = Calc(exp2)
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "abs", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        ' get absolute start position
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "abs", vbTextCompare)
        ' clear all the text in exp2
        exp2 = ""
        ' get number
        For endpos = startpos + 3 To Len(exp)
            cmid = Mid(exp, endpos, 1)
            If IsNumeric(cmid) = True Or cmid = "." Or cmid = "," Then
                exp2 = exp2 & cmid
                Exit For
            End If
        Next endpos
        If exp2 <> "" Then
            ' convert it into absolute
            answer2 = Abs(CDbl(exp2))
            ' replace the adsolute number with the answer
            exp2 = Replace(exp, "abs" & exp2, answer2)
            Calc = Calc(exp2)
            Mid(exp, startpos, 3) = "000"
            Calc = Calc(exp)
        End If
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "cos", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        ' get cosines start position
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "cos", vbTextCompare)
        ' clear all the text in exp2
        exp2 = ""
        ' get cosines angle
        For endpos = startpos + 3 To Len(exp)
            cmid = Mid(exp, endpos, 1)
            If IsNumeric(cmid) = True Or cmid = "." Or cmid = "," Then
                exp2 = exp2 & cmid
                Exit For
            End If
        Next endpos
        If exp2 <> "" Then
            ' calculate cosines
            answer2 = Cos(CDbl(exp2))
            ' replace cosines with the answer
            exp2 = Replace(exp, "cos" & exp2, answer2)
            Calc = Calc(exp2)
            Mid(exp, startpos, 3) = "000"
            Calc = Calc(exp)
        End If
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "sin", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        ' get sines start position
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "sin", vbTextCompare)
        ' clear all the text in exp2
        exp2 = ""
        ' get sines angle
        For endpos = startpos + 3 To Len(exp)
            cmid = Mid(exp, endpos, 1)
            If IsNumeric(cmid) = True Or cmid = "." Or cmid = "," Then
                exp2 = exp2 & cmid
                Exit For
            End If
        Next endpos
        If exp2 <> "" Then
            ' calculate sines
            answer2 = Sin(CDbl(exp2))
            ' replace cosines with the answer
            exp2 = Replace(exp, "sin" & exp2, answer2)
            Calc = Calc(exp2)
            Mid(exp, startpos, 3) = "000"
            Calc = Calc(exp)
        End If
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "log", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        ' get logarithmic start position
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "log", vbTextCompare)
        ' clear all the text in exp2
        exp2 = ""
        ' get number
        For endpos = startpos + 3 To Len(exp)
            cmid = Mid(exp, endpos, 1)
            If IsNumeric(cmid) = True Or cmid = "." Or cmid = "," Then
                exp2 = exp2 & cmid
                Exit For
            End If
        Next endpos
        If exp2 <> "" Then
            ' calculate logarithmic
            answer2 = Log(CDbl(exp2))
            ' replace logarithmic with the answer
            exp2 = Replace(exp, "log" & exp2, answer2)
            Calc = Calc(exp2)
            Mid(exp, startpos, 3) = "000"
            Calc = Calc(exp)
        End If
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "mod") > 1 Then
        ' modulo
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "mod")
        lexp = Left(exp, startpos - 1)
        rexp = Right(exp, Len(exp) - (startpos + 2))
        Calc = Calc(lexp) Mod Calc(rexp)
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "+") > 1 Then
        ' addition
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "+")
        lexp = Left(exp, startpos - 1)
        rexp = Right(exp, Len(exp) - startpos)
        Calc = Calc(lexp) + Calc(rexp)
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "-") > 1 Then
        ' subtract
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "+")
        lexp = Left(exp, startpos - 1)
        rexp = Right(exp, Len(exp) - startpos)
        Calc = Calc(lexp) - Calc(rexp)
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "*") > 1 Then
        ' multiply
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "*")
        lexp = Left(exp, startpos - 1)
        rexp = Right(exp, Len(exp) - startpos)
        Calc = Calc(lexp) * Calc(rexp)
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "/") > 1 Then
        ' divide
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "/")
        lexp = Left(exp, startpos - 1)
        rexp = Right(exp, Len(exp) - startpos)
        answer2 = Calc(rexp)
        If answer2 = 0 Then answer2 = 1
        Calc = Calc(lexp) / answer2
        Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(1, exp, "^") > 1 Then
        ' exponent
        startpos = InStr(1, exp, "^")
        lexp = Left(exp, startpos - 1)
        rexp = Right(exp, Len(exp) - startpos)
        Calc = Calc(lexp) ^ Calc(rexp)
        Exit Function

        If IsNumeric(exp) = True Then
            Calc = CDbl(exp)
            Calc = 0
        End If
        Exit Function
    End If

End Function
sushmag 0 Newbie Poster

wats the output format of this pgm...

Samane_Bagheri 0 Newbie Poster

Does it really work?!
your source code is very LONG!
in here, use "select case" is better than "Ifelse"
I plan to learn API, I don't know about this site alot! hopes could help me.
be successful!

Mark A 0 Newbie Poster

Dosen't work with Visual Basic 5 until you add the following function;

Private Function Replace(ByVal convertString As String, ByVal swapThis As String, Optional ByVal withThis As String) As String
  ' Swaps 'swapThis' with 'withThis' in 'convertString'.
  Replace = ""
  If swapThis = "" Then swapThis = "?": withThis = swapThis
  Do While (convertString <> "")
    If Left$(convertString, Len(swapThis)) = swapThis Then
      Replace = Replace + withThis
      convertString = Mid$(convertString, Len(swapThis) + 1)
      ' Old slow code.
      ' swapString = swapString + Left$(convertString, 1)
      ' convertString = Mid$(convertString, 2)
      ' New faster code.
      Replace = Replace + Left$(convertString, InStr(convertString + swapThis, swapThis) - 1)
      convertString = Mid$(convertString, InStr(convertString + swapThis, swapThis))
    End If
End Function
JoeyJoeC 0 Newbie Poster

startpos = InStr(1, exp, "-") instead of startpos = InStr(1, exp, "+") after the subtract section to make it work

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