TempMsg ( Tempory Message )

cookware_ok 0 Tallied Votes 312 Views Share

Easily allows temporary message to be displayed on any label for a programmable length of time.
This is a very simple way to display a temporary message on an existing label (or textbox)without doing a lot of coding.

Private Function TempMsg(tempMessage As String, timeInSecs As Single, whichLabel As Object)
        '  ========================
        '  Author: CookWare Ok
        '  ========================
        '  Function may be Public or Private as needed. Remember if used in a module use
        '  WhichForm.WhichLabel format to pass parameter to the function.
        '  EXAMPLE:   Call TempMsg(myMessage, myTime, myForm.myLabel)
        '  ========================
        '  You Must included timer and timer code shown below
        '  ========================
        '  Private Sub timMsg_Timer()
        '  timMsg.Interval = 0
        '  timMsg.Enabled = False
        '  bMsgOn = False
        '  End Sub
        '  ========================
        '  You must also Dim bMsgOn As Boolean (either Public or Private as needed)
        '  =======================
        Dim myMsg As String
        myMsg = whichLabel   '  Stores currently displayed message
        bMsgOn = True
        If timeInSecs > 10 Then   '  Limits time interval to 10 seconds ( May be changed as you see fit )
                timeInSecs = 10
        End If
        timMsg.Interval = timeInSecs * 1000   '  converts timeInSecs to milliseconds
        timMsg.Enabled = True                          '  Starts timer
        Do Until bMsgOn = False                       '  Do tempMessage until time is elapsed
                whichLabel = tempMessage
        whichLabel = myMsg   '  Restores original message
End Function
bumsfeld 413 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso

Wow, this difficult to read! Why are there so many "you must" in there?

linux 107 Posting Shark

It's not that difficult to read. You don't really need the comments if you know what you're doing in VB.

ahihihi... 78 Posting Pro

He must..

muzaffar85 0 Newbie Poster

Easily allows temporary message to be displayed on any label for a programmable length of time.
This is a very simple way to display a temporary message on an existing label (or textbox)without doing a lot of coding.


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