Matrix multiplication

Dani 1 Tallied Votes 5K Views Share

This is a program I wrote for my x86 assembly class which generates matrices, multiplies them, and computes how long the arithmetic took. It uses which came with the textbook.

title Matrix										(matrix.asm)

; Dani Horowitz
; CSC111 x86 Assembly Programming
; This program randomly generates two 3x3 integer matrices, A and B
; It then prints out the product of the matrices


.stack			; begin stack segment


	TimerStart PROTO,
		pSavedTime: PTR DWORD
	TimerStop PROTO,
		pSavedTime: PTR DWORD

.data			; begin data segment
	A				dword 10000 dup(0)	; matrix A
	B				dword 10000 dup(0)	; matrix B	
	num_rows		dword 0;
	num_cols		dword 0;	
	col_counter		dword 0	; inner loop counter
	row_counter		dword 0	; outer loop counter
	counter			byte 0	; this will always come in handy
	sum				dword 0
	; used for CPU timer
	newmatrix		dword 1
	time			dword 0

	; used to generate product matrix
	working_row		dword 0; (0=1st row, 12=2nd row, 24=3rd row)
	working_col		dword 0; (0=1st col, 4=2nd col, 8=3rd col)

	; ######################	
	; ### MAY BE EDITED: ###
	; ######################
	matrix_size		= 5			; 2= [3x3]	9= [10x10]
	upbound			dword 50	; upper bound value for matrix values
	num_matrices	= 5			; how many matrices to generate - 1
	; ######################

	nextrow			= (matrix_size + 1) * 4
	; ###########################
	; ##### STOPWATCH TIMER #####
	; ###########################
	msg				BYTE " milliseconds have elapsed", 0dh, 0ah, 0
	timer1			dword ?

	; ###########################

.code			; begin code segment


TimerStart PROC uses eax esi,
	pSavedTime: PTR DWORD
	INVOKE	GetTickCount
	mov		esi, pSavedTime
	mov		[esi], eax
TimerStart ENDP

TimerStop PROC uses esi,
	pSavedTime: PTR DWORD
	INVOKE	GetTickCount
	mov		esi, pSavedTime
	sub		eax, [esi]
TimerStop ENDP

determinesize PROC
; Calculate num_rows and num_cols based on matrix_size
	mov		eax, matrix_size
	mov		ebx, nextrow
	mul		ebx
	mov		num_rows, eax
	mov		eax, matrix_size
	mov		ebx, 4
	mul		ebx
	mov		num_cols, eax
determinesize ENDP

setvalue PROC
; Set a value in the matrix to a random #
	mov		eax, upbound	; set range between 1 and upbound
	call	RandomRange		; put a random int in eax
	inc		eax
	mov		[esi], eax		; put the value in the array
setvalue ENDP

createA PROC
; Initialize generation of matrix A
	mov		esi, OFFSET A		; finds the start of the matrix
	call	traversematrix		; fills in the matrix
createA ENDP

createB PROC
; Initialize generation of matrix B
	mov		esi, OFFSET B		; finds the start of the matrix
	call	traversematrix		; fills in the matrix
createB ENDP

printvalue PROC
; Print a value neatly
	push	eax
	call	WriteDec		; print value
	mov		al, ' '
	call	WriteChar		; print a space
	pop	eax
printvalue ENDP

traversematrix PROC
; Traverse each row of the matrix

	call	Crlf					; line feed
	mov		row_counter, 0			; set to first row


	mov		col_counter, 0			; set to first column

	; -- begin inner loop --
	call	setvalue				; put value in location
	call	printvalue				; print value while we're here
	add		esi, 4					; next data member of array
	inc		col_counter				; did we reach the last column
	cmp		col_counter, matrix_size		;    of the row?
	jle		NewCol					; if not, add another element

	; -- end inner loop --

	call	Crlf
	inc		row_counter				; new row
	cmp		row_counter, matrix_size			; stop at 3rd row
	jle		NewRow
traversematrix ENDP

addelements PROC
; Add A1B1 + A2B2 + A3B3

	mov		eax, working_row	; row_counter = working_row
	mov		ebx, working_col	; col_counter = working_col

	mov		row_counter, eax
	mov		col_counter, ebx
	mov		counter, 0
	mov		sum, 0

	; -- begin loop --
	call	multiplyelements	; multiply AxBx
	add		sum, eax			; accumulate the sum
	add		row_counter, 4		; next elements
	add		col_counter, nextrow
	inc		counter				; increment loop counter
	cmp		counter, matrix_size			; stop at 3rd row
	jle		Next

	; -- end loop --
	mov		eax, sum
addelements ENDP

multiplyelements PROC
; Multiply Ax and Bx

	mov		esi, OFFSET A		; find matrix A
	add		esi, row_counter	; find location we want
	mov		eax, [esi]			; put into eax
	mov		esi, OFFSET B		; find matrix B
	add		esi, col_counter	; find location we want
	mov		ebx, [esi]			; put into ebx
	mul		ebx					; do multiplication
multiplyelements ENDP

multiplymatrix PROC
; Do matrix multiplication

	call	Crlf
	mov		working_row, 0		; start on the first row

	mov		working_col, 0		; go to first column

	; -- begin inner loop --
	call	addelements			; do all the addition and multiplication
	call	printvalue			; print value
	add		working_col, 4		; get ready to do the next column

	mov		eax, working_col	; did we reach the end of a row?
	cmp		eax, num_cols
	jle		NewCol

	; -- end inner loop --

	call	Crlf				; new row
	add		working_row, nextrow
	mov		eax, working_row	; did we reach the last row?
	cmp		eax, num_rows
	jle		NewRow
	call	Crlf
multiplymatrix ENDP

main proc
	call	Clrscr				; clear screen
	call	Randomize			; randomize seed
	mov		ebx, num_matrices	; how many matrices to generate
	; ########## TIMER ##########
	INVOKE	TimerStart,			; start the timer
	ADDR	timer1
	; ########## TIMER ##########

	; -- begin loop --
	call	createA				; generate matrix A
	call	createB				; generate matrix B
	call	determinesize		; determine size of matrices
	call	multiplymatrix		; multiply matrices
	inc		newmatrix
	mov		eax, newmatrix
	cmp		eax, num_matrices
	jle		NextMatrix
	; ########## TIMER ##########
	INVOKE	TimerStop,
	ADDR	timer1
	call	WriteDec
	mov		edx, OFFSET msg
	call	WriteString
	; ########## TIMER ##########

main  endp
end main
hamed22 0 Newbie Poster

can you write aprogram to see sin(t) wave;)

samo 0 Newbie Poster

i need a code to multipe two arrays 3*3 ,, can you help me
its in 8086 :sad:

c u

ESLAMIKA 0 Newbie Poster

thanks so much

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