Using COM TreeView in C# Windows Forms

Shalvin 0 Tallied Votes 224 Views Share

TreeView was one of my favourite control in COM. It is well suited for creating Chart of Accounts, Hierarchical data and the like. Though there is a tree view in .Net I find it less flexible in comparison to COM TreeView.

The issue with using COM TreeView in C# is C# does not support optional parameters. Type.Missing it the way out.

using MSComctlLib;

Node NodX; 

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
{ Object m = Type.Missing; 
Object i = "India"; 
NodX = axTreeView1.Nodes.Add(ref m, ref m, ref i, ref i, ref m, ref m); 

Object k = "Kerala"; Object rel = TreeRelationshipConstants.tvwChild; 
NodX = axTreeView1.Nodes.Add(ref i, ref rel, ref k, ref k, ref m, ref m); 

Object ka = "Karnataka"; 
NodX = axTreeView1.Nodes.Add(ref i, ref rel, ref ka, ref ka, ref m, ref m); Object ko = "Kochi"; NodX = axTreeView1.Nodes.Add(ref k, ref rel, ref ko, ref ko, ref m, ref m); 