Here is an example how to write a program to convert between units of distance, area, volume, weight, pressure, and energy. The wxPython GUI toolkit's wx.NoteBook() widget is used to make good use of the limited frame/window space available.
A conversion utility (wxPython)
# a semi practical use of wxPython's wx.Notebook() widget
# converting ...
# distance, area, volume, weight, pressure, and energy units
# tested with Python25 and wxPython28 by vegaseat 11aug2008
import wx
class MyNotebook(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, title, distD, areaD, volD,
weightD, pressD, energyD):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, title,
size=(460, 360))
# style=wx.NB_TOP is default
# could use style=wx.NB_BOTTOM
nb = wx.Notebook(self, wx.ID_ANY)
# MyPage(parent, conversion dictionary, preselected choice)
self.page1 = MyPage(nb, distD, 3)
self.page2 = MyPage(nb, areaD, 2)
self.page3 = MyPage(nb, volD, 0)
self.page4 = MyPage(nb, weightD, 2)
self.page5 = MyPage(nb, pressD, 2)
self.page6 = MyPage(nb, energyD, 7)
nb.AddPage(self.page1, "Distance")
nb.AddPage(self.page2, "Area")
nb.AddPage(self.page3, "Volume")
nb.AddPage(self.page4, "Weight")
nb.AddPage(self.page5, "Pressure")
nb.AddPage(self.page6, "Energy")
# start with page1 active
class MyPage(wx.Panel):
each panel instance creates the notbook page content
from the given conversion dictionary convD
def __init__(self, parent, convD, preselect):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY)
oatmeal3 = '#FCFFE1'
self.convD = convD
# create list of possible units
self.options = convD.keys()
self.radiobox1 = wx.RadioBox(self, wx.ID_ANY,
"Select a unit to convert from",
choices=self.options, style=wx.VERTICAL)
# set radio button 1 as selected (first button is 0)
# bind mouse click to an action
self.radiobox1.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.onAction)
self.radiobox2 = wx.RadioBox(self, wx.ID_ANY,
"Select a unit to convert to ",
choices=self.options, style=wx.VERTICAL)
# set radio button 1 as selected (first button is 0)
# bind mouse click to an action
self.radiobox2.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.onAction)
# additional widgets
self.label1 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "" )
self.label2 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "" )
self.edit1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, value="1.0",
size=(150, 20))
# respond to enter key when focus is on edit1
self.edit1.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.onAction)
self.edit2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, value="",
size=(150, 20))
self.button = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, label='Convert')
self.button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onAction)
# use box sizers to layout the widgets
# nest the 3 vertical sizers in the horizontal sizer later
sizer_v1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
sizer_v2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
sizer_v3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
sizer_h = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
# add the widgets to the corresponding vertical sizer
sizer_v1.Add(self.radiobox1, 0, flag=wx.ALL, border=10)
sizer_v1.Add(self.label1, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP, 10)
sizer_v1.Add(self.edit1, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 10)
# add a spacer to position the button lower ...
sizer_v2.Add((0, 225), 0, wx.ALL, 10)
sizer_v2.Add(self.button, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
sizer_v3.Add(self.radiobox2, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
sizer_v3.Add(self.label2, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP, 10)
sizer_v3.Add(self.edit2, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 10)
# put the 3 vertical sizers into the horizontal sizer
sizer_h.Add(sizer_v1, 0)
sizer_h.Add(sizer_v2, 0)
sizer_h.Add(sizer_v3, 0)
# it's the horizontal sizer you have to set
# show present selection
def onAction(self, event):
"""show the selected choice"""
index1 = self.radiobox1.GetSelection()
unit1 = self.options[index1]
#print unit1 # test
s = "Enter a value (%s):" % unit1
# dito for radio box #2
index2 = self.radiobox2.GetSelection()
unit2 = self.options[index2]
#print unit2 # test
s = "Result (%s):" % unit2
value = float(self.edit1.GetValue())
factor1 = self.convD[unit1]
factor2 = self.convD[unit2]
result = factor2 * value/factor1
# these are the conversion dictionaries ...
# (note that units won't appear in that order)
distD ={}
# all scale factors are relative to the first unit below
distD['meter'] = 1.0
distD['micron'] = 1000000.0
distD['millimeter'] = 1000.0
distD['centimeter'] = 100.0
distD['kilometer'] = 0.001
distD['inch'] = 100.0/2.54
distD['foot'] = 100.0/30.48
distD['yard'] = 100.0/91.44
distD['mile'] = 0.001/1.609344
distD['rod'] = 1.0/5.029
areaD = {}
# all scale factors are relative to the first unit below
areaD['sq meter'] = 1.0
areaD['sq millimeter'] = 1000000.0
areaD['sq centimeter'] = 10000.0
areaD['sq kilometer'] = 0.000001
areaD['hectare'] = 0.0001
areaD['sq inch'] = 1550.003
areaD['sq foot'] = 10.76391
areaD['sq yard'] = 1.19599
areaD['acre'] = 0.0002471054
areaD['sq mile'] = 0.0000003861022
volD = {}
# all scale factors are relative to the first unit below
volD['cubic meter'] = 1.0
volD['microliter'] = 1000000000.0
volD['milliliter'] = 1000000.0
volD['liter'] = 1000.0
volD['pint(US)'] = 2113.376
volD['quart(US)'] = 1056.688
volD['gallon(US)'] = 264.172
volD['cubic inch'] = 61023.74
volD['cubic foot'] = 35.31467
volD['cubic yard'] = 1.307951
weightD = {}
# all scale factors are relative to the first unit below
weightD['kilogram'] = 1.0
weightD['microgram'] = 1000000000.0
weightD['milligram'] = 1000000.0
weightD['gram'] = 1000.0
weightD['tonne (metric)'] = 0.001
weightD['dram (avd)'] = 564.38339
weightD['grain'] = 15432.358
weightD['ounce (avd)'] = 35.273962
weightD['pound (avd)'] = 2.2046226
weightD['ton (short)'] = 0.0011023113
pressD = {}
# all scale factors are relative to the first unit below
pressD['atm'] = 1.0
pressD['bar'] = 1.01325
pressD['kilopascal'] = 101.325
pressD['torr'] = 760
pressD['kg/sqcm'] = 1.033227
pressD['kg/sqm'] = 10332.27
pressD['lb/sqinch'] = 14.69595
pressD['ton(sh)/sqfoot'] = 1.058108
pressD['inch of Hg'] = 29.92126
pressD['foot of water'] = 33.89854
energyD = {}
# all scale factors are relative to the first unit below
energyD['calorie'] = 1.0
energyD['kilocalorie'] = 0.001
energyD['joule or watt-second'] = 4.1868
energyD['watt-hour'] = 0.001163
energyD['kilowatt-hour'] = 0.000001163
energyD['liter-atmosphere'] = 0.0413205
energyD['horsepower-hour metric'] = 0.00000158124
energyD['erg'] = 4186800
energyD['btu'] = 0.00396832
app = wx.App(1)
mynotebook = MyNotebook(None, "Conversion Program", distD, areaD,
volD, weightD, pressD, energyD)
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