I wrote this 3D Breakout game as a sample project to learn both Python and the visual module, vPython. It is based on a similar game I had on my Amiga back in the 80s. I don't expect that my Python is either standard or as elegant as it could be so constructive feedback is always appreciated.
Breakout 3D Sample vPython App
# #
# Name: #
# #
# Breakout3D.py #
# #
# Description: #
# #
# A 3D version of Breakout (requires red/cyan glasses). Black out the bricks on 4 #
# walls to win. #
# #
# Options: #
# #
# Change the following variables in the code to modify the game #
# #
# NO_LOSE_MODE = False #set True to make floor solid (self play mode) #
# SHOW_TRAIL = True #set True to make ball leave temporary trail #
# SHOW_COORDS = False #set True to display ball coordinates #
# #
# Future: #
# #
# Randomize start velocity on ball launch #
# Allow above options to be specified on the command line #
# Change velocity vector depending on what part of the paddle is hit. #
# Add shadow as training aid #
# #
# Audit: #
# #
# 2011-09-05 added NO_LOSE_MODE, SHOW_TRAIL & SHOW_COORDS options #
# change ball radius based on z coordinate to improve depth perception #
# ball is red if coming at you, green if going away #
# 2011-09-04 R J de Graff original code #
# #
from visual import *
def SideBrick(bricks,y,z): #check if a left or right side brick was hit
halfy = bricks[0].height / 2
halfz = bricks[0].width / 2
for brick in bricks:
if brick.visible:
if brick.y-halfy <= y <= brick.y+halfy and brick.z-halfz <= z <= brick.z+halfz:
return True,brick
return False,""
def TopBrick(bricks,x,z): #check if a top brick was hit
halfx = bricks[0].width / 2
halfz = bricks[0].length / 2
for brick in bricks:
if brick.visible:
if brick.x-halfx <= x <= brick.x+halfx and brick.z-halfz <= z <= brick.z+halfz:
return True,brick
return False,""
def BackBrick(bricks,x,y): #check if a back brick was hit
halfx = bricks[0].length / 2
halfy = bricks[0].height / 2
for brick in bricks:
if brick.visible:
if brick.x-halfx <= x <= brick.x+halfx and brick.y-halfy <= y <= brick.y+halfy:
return True,brick
return False,""
def UpdateStatus(status,numballs,numbricks):
status.text = "Balls=%d Bricks=%d" % (numballs,numbricks)
def Reset(bricks): #set all bricks visible
for brick in bricks:
brick.visible = True
return len(bricks)
def EmptyBuffer(myscene): #flush all buffered left clicks
while myscene.mouse.clicked > 0:
temp = myscene.mouse.getclick()
NO_LOSE_MODE = False #set True to make floor solid
SHOW_TRAIL = True #set True to make ball leave temporary trail
SHOW_COORDS = False #set True to display ball coordinates
brickLeft = [] #all bricks on the left wall
brickRight = [] #all bricks on the right wall
brickTop = [] #all bricks on the top wall
brickBack = [] #all bricks on the back wall
myscene = display(title="3D Breakout",width=1000,height=640,fullscreen=True)
myscene.autoscale = True
myscene.userzoom = True
myscene.userspin = False
myscene.range = 360
myscene.cursor.visible = False
myscene.stereo = 'redcyan' #redblue yellowblue crosseyed passive active
wallLeft = -250 #x coordinate of the left wall
wallRight = 250 #x coordinate of the right wall
wallTop = 150 #y coordinate of the ceiling
wallBottom = -150 #y coordinate of the floor
wallBack = -300 #z coordinate of the back wall
wallFront = 200 #z coordinate of the front wall
brickColor = (0.7,0.7,1)
for x in range(-200,201,100): #draw the bricks on the top
for z in range(-260,141,100):
for y in range(-120,121,60): #draw the bricks on the left and right
for z in range(-260,141,100):
brickLeft.append (box(pos=(wallLeft ,y,z),size=(0.1,55,95),color=brickColor))
for x in range(-200,201,100): #draw the bricks on the back
for y in range(-120,121,60):
paddle = box(pos=(0,wallBottom,0),size=(90,.1,90),color=(1,1,1))
ball = sphere (radius = 5.0, make_trail=False)
ball.make_trail = True
ball.trail_type = "curve"
ball.interval = 10
ball.retain = 100
ball.mass = 1.0
ball.velocity = vector(0.15, 0.23, 0.27)
ball.visible = False
dt = 1.0 #0.5 is half normal speed and 2.0 is double normal
numbricks = Reset(brickLeft+brickRight+brickTop+brickBack)
numballs = 3
newball = True
hitfound = False
gameover = False
coords = label(text="",pos=(wallLeft+40,wallBottom+5,wallFront),height=20,color=(.5,.5,.5),box=False)
status = label(text="",pos=(0,wallBottom+5,wallFront),height=20,box=False)
status.text = "Left Click to launch or ESC to exit"
while true:
#update paddle position based on mouse position
px = min(max(2*myscene.mouse.pos[0],wallLeft+20),wallRight-20)
pz = -min(max(2*myscene.mouse.pos[1],wallBack),wallFront)-100
paddle.pos = (px,wallBottom,pz)
#If waiting to launch a new ball then idle until keypress. We have to poll rather than
#pause or we won't be able to move the paddle while we wait.
if gameover:
if myscene.mouse.clicked > 0:
numbricks = Reset(brickLeft+brickRight+brickTop+brickBack)
numballs = 3
newball = True
gameover = False
elif newball:
if myscene.mouse.clicked > 0:
newball = False
paddle.color = (1,1,1)
ball.pos = paddle.pos
ball.velocity = vector(0.15, 0.23, 0.27)
ball.visible = True
#calculate new ball position and adjust size based on z position
ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.velocity * dt
ball.radius = 4 + (ball.z+400) / 100.0
if ball.velocity.z > 0:
ball.color = (1,0,0)
ball.color = (0,1,0)
coords.text = "%4d %4d %4d" % (ball.x,ball.y,ball.z)
#check for hit on a visible brick
if ball.x <= wallLeft:
ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x
hitfound,brick = SideBrick(brickLeft,ball.y,ball.z)
if ball.x >= wallRight:
ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x
hitfound,brick = SideBrick(brickRight,ball.y,ball.z)
if ball.z <= wallBack:
ball.velocity.z = -ball.velocity.z
hitfound,brick = BackBrick(brickBack,ball.x,ball.y)
if ball.z >= wallFront:
ball.velocity.z = -ball.velocity.z
if ball.y >= wallTop:
ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y
hitfound,brick = TopBrick(brickTop,ball.x,ball.z)
#if hit then clear brick
if hitfound:
brick.visible = False
hitfound = false
numbricks -= 1
#check if paddle hit or miss
if ball.y <= wallBottom and numballs > 0:
ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y
if paddle.x-45 <= ball.x <= paddle.x+45 and paddle.z-45 <= ball.z <= paddle.z+45 and wallBottom - ball.y <= 1:
ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y
elif wallBottom - ball.y > 50:
ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y
numballs -= 1
newball = (numballs > 0)
paddle.color = (1,1,0)
ball.visible = False
status.text = "Left Click to launch or ESC to exit"
#check if out of bricks (win) or balls (lose)
if not gameover and (numbricks == 0 or numballs == 0):
gameover = True
if numbricks == 0:
status.text = "Congratulations - You Win - Left Click for new game or ESC to exit"
status.text = "Sorry - You've got no balls - Left Click for new game or ESC to exit"
TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster
Reverend Jim 4,968 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
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Reverend Jim 4,968 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster
Reverend Jim 4,968 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster
TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster
Reverend Jim commented: This is a cumulative upvote for all the help on this thread. +4
Reverend Jim 4,968 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster
TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster
Reverend Jim 4,968 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
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