Keno Fun!

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have fun with this game o' keno! post here with your highest winnings

#include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <windows.h>
    using namespace std;
    struct coord
        int X;
        int Y;
        int number;
        bool selected;
        coord(){selected = false;}
    class keno
        //class default constructor
        //game functions
        void display_board();
        void display_numbers();
        void get_picks();
        void computer_draw();
        void calc_winnings();
        void reset();
        //console enviornment
        void set_console_size(int x, int y);
        void gotoxy(int x, int y);
        void clear_screen();
        int turn_counter;
        int picks;
        int money;
        int hits;
        int random_draws[20];
        int user_picks[10];
        int computer_picks[20];
        coord num_coords[80];
    int main()
          keno mykeno;
          //Super-Complex Game Engine
          return 0;
        turn_counter  = 1;
        picks = 0;
        money = 500;
        hits = 0;
        //Generate X,Y ASCII grid coordinates for displaying numbers
        for(int i=0, x=8, y=10; i<80; i++, x+=5)
            num_coords[i].X = x;
            num_coords[i].Y = y;
            num_coords[i].number = i+1;
    void keno::display_board()
        cout << "  ---------------------------------------------------\n"
             << " |\\                                                   \\\n"
             << " |  \\                                                   \\\n"
             << " |   |---------------------------------------------------|\n";
        for(int i=0; i<31; i++)
            cout << " |   |                                                   |\n";
        cout << "  \\  |                                                   |\n"
             << "    \\ --------------------------------------------------- \n";
        gotoxy(8,5);   cout << "Game #"   << turn_counter;
        gotoxy(40,5);  cout << "Total: $" << money;
        gotoxy(40,35); cout << "$25 per play.";
    void keno::display_numbers()
        int randoms[80];
        int snooze = 30;
        int r=0;
        //populate an array of numbers
        for(int i=0; i<80; i++)
            randoms[i] = i;
        //randomly shuffle the array
        for(int i=0; i<160; i++)
            swap(randoms[rand()%80], randoms[rand()%80]);
        //move to the appropriate position on the board that corrosponds to the random number
        //and display it.
        for(int i=0; i<80; i++)
            r = randoms[i];
            gotoxy(num_coords[r].X, num_coords[r].Y);
            cout << num_coords[r].number;
    void keno::get_picks()
        int number = 0;
        int i=0;
             //previous entry clear
             gotoxy(8,35); cout << "                 ";
             gotoxy(8,35); cout << "Enter number: ";
             cin >> number;
             user_picks[i] = number;
             //put [  ] box around user selected number
             gotoxy(num_coords[number].X-1, num_coords[number].Y); cout << '[';
             if(number<9) //handle 1 digit numbers
                 gotoxy(num_coords[number].X+1, num_coords[number].Y);
             else  //handle 2 digit numbers
                gotoxy(num_coords[number].X+2, num_coords[number].Y);
             num_coords[number].selected = true;
             cout << ']';
             gotoxy(40,35);  cout << "Pick " << picks << " of 10 ";
        //Clear to prevent further user entry
        gotoxy(8,35); cout << "                                                 ";
    void keno::computer_draw()
        int randoms[80];
        int snooze = 30;
        int cp = 0;
        //$25 to play
        money -= 25;
        gotoxy(8,7);  cout << "Draw: ";
        gotoxy(40,7); cout << "Hits: ";
        //generate a list of numbers
        for(int i=0; i<80; i++)
            randoms[i] = i;
        //randomly shuffle the numbers
        for(int i=0; i<160; i++)
            swap(randoms[rand()%80], randoms[rand()%80]);
        //get a list of 20 'computer picked' randomly drawn numbers
        for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
            computer_picks[i] = randoms[i];
        for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
            cp = computer_picks[i];
            //handle 'Hits'
                gotoxy(num_coords[cp].X-1, num_coords[cp].Y); cout << "HIT!";
                gotoxy(18,7); cout << "HIT!";
                gotoxy(47,7); cout << hits;
            else //handle 'Miss'; display *'s around computer selected numbers.
                gotoxy(num_coords[cp].X-1, num_coords[cp].Y); cout << '*';
                if(cp<9) //handle 1 digit numbers
                    gotoxy(num_coords[cp].X+1, num_coords[cp].Y); cout << '*';
                else //handle 2 digit numbers
                     gotoxy(num_coords[cp].X+2, num_coords[cp].Y); cout << '*';
            gotoxy(14,7); cout << cp+1;
            //number clear
            gotoxy(13,7); cout << "           ";
        //final clear ("Draw: " clear)
        gotoxy(8,7); cout << "                ";
    void keno::calc_winnings()
        gotoxy(20,6); cout << "You Win ";
            case 1:  money +=  10;    cout << "$10! ";     break;
            case 2:  money +=  20;    cout << "$20! ";     break;
            case 3:  money +=  50;    cout << "$50! ";     break;
            case 4:  money +=  100;   cout << "$100! ";    break;
            case 5:  money +=  200;   cout << "$200! ";    break;
            case 6:  money +=  500;   cout << "$500! ";    break;
            case 7:  money +=  1000;  cout << "$1,000! ";  break;
            case 8:  money +=  2000;  cout << "$2,000! ";  break;
            case 9:  money +=  5000;  cout << "$5,000! ";  break;
            case 10: money +=  10000; cout << "$10,000! "; break;
            default: cout << "Nothing!";
    void keno::reset()
         picks = 0;
         hits = 0;
         for(int i=0; i<80; i++)
             num_coords[i].selected = false;
    //Win32 API functions <windows.h>
    void keno::gotoxy(int x, int y)
      COORD coord;
      coord.X = x;
      coord.Y = y;
      SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
    void keno::clear_screen()
      DWORD n;
      DWORD size;
      COORD coord = {0};
      HANDLE h = GetStdHandle ( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
      GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo ( h, &csbi );
      size = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
      FillConsoleOutputCharacter ( h, TEXT ( ' ' ), size, coord, &n );
      GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo ( h, &csbi );
      FillConsoleOutputAttribute ( h, csbi.wAttributes, size, coord, &n );
      SetConsoleCursorPosition ( h, coord );
    void keno::set_console_size(int x, int y)
         HANDLE hOut;
         SMALL_RECT DisplayArea = {0, 0, 0, 0};
         COORD c = {0,0};
         hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
         DisplayArea.Right  = x;
         DisplayArea.Bottom = y;
         c.X = x+1;
         c.Y = y+1;
         SetConsoleWindowInfo(hOut, TRUE, &DisplayArea);
         SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hOut, c);
TrustyTony 888 ex-Moderator Team Colleague Featured Poster

I do not know what is your guestion, but after running this, main problems seem to be that you are not checking if the number is not given as input before and in correct range or that it is numeric. Also instructions to player are missing including info how to stop the game. And here in Finland you can choose how many numbers you pick for game and you can do multiple boxes for one game of lottery including "full hand" which is all levels of keno from 2 numbers to 10 numbers chosen. Here we also chose the amount of bet per box from 0,50 euro to 10 euro. It would be nice for user to pick the level and have option for random numbers for the rest, say by giving 0.

Nick Evan 4,005 Industrious Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
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