I uploaded a module named symboldict to the python package index (pypi). This snippet shows how to use it to create a dictionary of symbols from various modules. This dictionary can be used as a common language shared by several modules. It can be used to load python libraries in a lazy way. It also brings the power of python dictionaries to manipulate collections of functions.
Introducing the symboldict module
"""This script demonstrates how to use module symboldict"""
# python 2 and 3
from symboldict import symbol, SymbolDict
# This symboldict instance refers symbolically to functions
# living in various modules. It defines a glossary of functions
# used in this script an potentially shared by other modules.
sy = SymbolDict(
print_exc = symbol.traceback.print_exc,
isdir = symbol.os.path.isdir,
mkdtemp = symbol.tempfile.mkdtemp,
pjoin = symbol.os.path.join,
rmtree = symbol.shutil.rmtree,
sleep = symbol.time.sleep,
Tempdir = symbol.tempfile.TemporaryDirectory,
# The following code uses the symboldict to access external functions.
# The corresponding modules are imported lazily when they are needed
def function():
root = sy.mkdtemp()
spamfn = sy.pjoin(root, "spam.txt")
x = 1/0
except Exception as exc:
with open(spamfn, 'w') as spam:
with open(spamfn) as spam:
return root
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = function()
print('please wait ...')
if sy.isdir(root):
print('Directory {} still exists'.format(root))
print('Directory {} has been removed'.format(root))
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