Hi, I've been working on a program that reads two binary files, then each value of file1 is divided by each value of file2. My binary files are 8-bit grayscale image files that is each pixel has a value between 0 and 255. I read them into byte arrays.
I am having a major problem. Since I read both input files into byte arrays, I am going to have a problem when the values of file 1 is divided by the values of file 2. The result should be type Double right? and I dont know how to write the output into a seperate file. How could I resolve this? Please help me on this because it gives me too much headache
'OK button
Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If TextBox1.Text.Length = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("You should select a file first!", "Warning!")
Dim s1 As FileStream 'Load file 1
Dim s2 As FileStream 'Load file 2
Dim s3 As FileStream 'Save output
'---read from and write to a binary file
s1 = New FileStream(textbox1.text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
s2 = New FileStream(textbox2.text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
s3 = New FileStream(saveFD.FileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)
Dim fLen1 As Integer
Dim fLen2 As Integer
Dim f1 As New System.IO.FileInfo(textbox1.text)
Dim f2 As New System.IO.FileInfo(textbox2.text)
fLen1 = f1.Length
fLen2 = f2.Length
Dim byteRead1(fLen1) As Byte
Dim byteRead2(fLen2) As Byte
Dim dblOutput(fLen1) As Double 'wıll hold results from division
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim m As Integer
'Read binary file1 and fill the array with pixel values
For i = 0 To fLen1 - 1
byteRead1(i) = s1.ReadByte
'Read binary file2 and fill the array with pixel values
For j = 0 To fLen2 - 1
byteRead2(j) = s2.ReadByte
'Test to see if the values read and assigned correctly
For k = 0 To 13 'I used this just for testing purposes
MsgBox("byteRead1(" & k & ")= " & byteRead1(k))
MsgBox("byteRead2(" & k & ")= " & byteRead2(k))
For m = 0 To fLen2 - 1
'check the vals for division by 0
If byteRead1(m) = 0 Or byteRead2(m) = 0 Then
byteRead3(intI) = 0
'no division error, get the val to write
dblOutput(m) = (byteRead1(m) / byteRead2(m))
End If
'write the val
'streamOut.Write(dblOutput) 'this won't work
's3.Write(dblOutput) 'this won't work either
'On above For Next loop, can type BYTE be converted into type Double?
'I don't know how to write dblOutput array into a file CORRECTLY
'Please HELP me how to write dblOutput into a file
MessageBox.Show("Process Completed!", "Done")
End If
End Sub