Georgestef 0 Newbie Poster

I am using visual basic 2005 in visual studio 2005. When I try to input unicode data from a sequential txt file using (LineInput(#)) I get question marks eg. (?????? ?????) for all the unicode characters (in this case TNR Greek) in the line, or the command, LineInput(#) doesn't work at all. I am looking for code to allow me to read such line from a txt file. Depending on how I create the file the unicode characters will or will not properly display in MS Notepad. In either case the code I am trying to use does not work. Here is the code I am currently using:

Public Class ReadData
Private Sub GetVariable(ByVal Delimit As String, ByRef L As String, ByRef V As String)
Dim Ld As Integer
'Find Delimiter
Ld = InStr(L, Delimit) - 1
If Ld < 0 Then
Ld = Len(L)
End If
'Extract String Value
V = Mid(L, 1, Ld)
'Shorten Line
L = Trim(Mid(L, Ld + 1, Len(L) - Ld))
End Sub

Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click
Dim HymnIndex(100) As Integer, HymnName(100) As String, VolumeID(100) As Integer, PDFPageNo(100) As Integer
Dim Myline As String, VariableString As String
Dim I As Integer
'set starting value of I the array index)
I = 1
FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath + "\VelonIndex.txt", OpenMode.Input)
'Read lines until EOF is reached
Do Until EOF(1)
Myline = LineInput(1)
MessageBox.Show(Myline, "Input Line")
'strip off the leading and trailing spaces
'Find HymnIndex in each line as an Integer
Call GetVariable(" ", Myline, VariableString)
HymnIndex(I) = CInt(Val(VariableString))
lstData.Items.Add("Hymn Index = " + CStr(HymnIndex(I)))
'Find HymnName in each line - two spaces are the delimiter
Call GetVariable(" ", Myline, VariableString)
HymnName(I) = Trim(VariableString)
lstData.Items.Add("Hymn Name = " + HymnName(I))
Call GetVariable(" ", Myline, VariableString)
VolumeID(I) = CInt(Val(VariableString))
lstData.Items.Add("Volume ID = " + CStr(VolumeID(I)))
Call GetVariable(" ", Myline, VariableString)
PDFPageNo(I) = CInt(Val(VariableString))
lstData.Items.Add("PDF Page Number = " + CStr(PDFPageNo(I)))
I += 1
End Sub
End Class