As far as making the table is there some way to print the hyphens and |...we really havent done anything like this yet so I am not sure if this is possible in c++ or not

A simple cout << '-', cout << '|', or cout << ch, where is entered by user will suffice. The | char usually available by Shift + \ key if you aren't sure which keys to enter to get the | to show up.

is that a cout in main or in the function top down?

Since the draw functions are named appropriately for the task they do, I'd put it in one of them rather than main().

I did finally find something in my book that might help me and it kinda made it seem like I should do a for loop but it didn't work quite as good as I wanted to but might just be something minor...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom();
void Draw_Middle();

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x < 0)
		else if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Top_Bottom()
	int width;
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << "-";

just making some updates and seein if anyone has any ideas....

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width);
void Draw_Middle();

int main()

    int height, width, i;
    char symbol;

    cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Enter the height: ";
    height = Get_Number();

    cout << "Enter the width: ";
    width = Get_Number();
    for (i = 0;  width.length(); i++);
        cout << width[i] << " ";
        width[i] = '-';

    cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
    symbol = Get_Character();

    return 0;

int Get_Number()
    int x;
    bool inputInvalid = true;
    while (inputInvalid)

        cin >> x;

        if (x < 0)
        else if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
            cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
        inputInvalid = false;
    return x;

void Draw_Top_Bottom()
    int width = 0;

    if (width >= 3)


sorry messed up code tags......

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width);
void Draw_Middle();

int main()
	int height, width, i;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();
	for (i = 0;  width.length(); i++);
		cout << width[i] << " ";
		width[i] = '-';

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x < 0)
		else if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Top_Bottom()
	int width = 0;

	if (width >= 3)


Scrap post 37 andf 38. Go back to code in post

Line 30: call Get_Char() to get the character to use to fill the rectangle with and assign the return value to symbol.

Line 31: call Draw_Rectangle(), not Draw_Top_Bottom(), passing it the appropriate parameters as per your instructions in post #1.

Define Get_Character() and Draw_Rectangle()functions.

All Draw_Rectangle does is call Draw_Top_Bottom() passing it the appropriate parameter and Draw_Middle() passing it the appropriate parameters in the appropriate sequence.

The definition of the Draw_Top_Bottom() should be passed a variable called width from Draw_Rectangle() that came from user input, not use a locally declared variable called width.

Hmm .. maybe you can get some ideas from the following...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	int height = 3;
	int width = 3;
	unsigned char fillSymbol = 0xf0;
	// draw a 3x3 area using fillSymbol

	while(height --)
		for(int col = 0; col < width; ++ col)
			// output the symbol one at a time
			cout << fillSymbol;
		cout << "\n"; // A newline

    return 0;

In your code, you are trying to use 'width', which is a simple integer, in strange ways, i.e.

// this seems like width is an instance of a class/struct having a member function 'length()'
// this seems like width is an array of some data type
cout << width

I think I am starting to get it and just seeing if anyone could check my progress but the last post in the for statement where does "col" come from?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom();
void Draw_Middle();

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();

	Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x < 0)
		else if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

also there is nothing in the book about unsigned char so there must be another way to do this

further updates

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom();
void Draw_Middle();

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();

	Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x < 0)
		else if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)
	using namespace std;


void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	using namespace std;
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(symbol)
	using namespace std;


char Get_Character
	using namespace std;


also there is nothing in the book about unsigned char so there must be another way to do this

you can just use the "unsigned" keyword for this

i dont think we r supposed to use this there any other way?

further updates

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom();
void Draw_Middle();

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();

	Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x < 0)
		else if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)
	using namespace std;


void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	using namespace std;
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(symbol)
	using namespace std;


char Get_Character
	using namespace std;


You don't need an unsigned char. Not sure what it was supposed to be for, but I don't see why a plain old char won't work for what you need. Your char is your "fill" character, right?

Line 32: Don't leave the "int" and the "char" in the function call. Those are only in the function headers at the top and at the top of the function itself, not on the function call itself. To call it, do this:

Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);

Delete the "using namespace std" lines in the functions. They may not hurt anything, but you only need the one at the top on line 3. Keep that one and delete the others.

i think i pretty much have everything to what i need but could anyone just check my code to make sure what I have done so far is correct....

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom();
void Draw_Middle();

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Bryan Kruep";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	if (height < 0)

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();

	Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)


void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(char symbol)


char Get_Character()

		for(int col = 0; col < width; ++ col)
			cout << symbol;

i think i pretty much have everything to what i need but could anyone just check my code to make sure what I have done so far is correct....

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom();
void Draw_Middle();

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Bryan Kruep";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	if (height < 0)

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();

	Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)


void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(char symbol)


char Get_Character()

		for(int col = 0; col < width; ++ col)
			cout << symbol;

Your Draw_Middle function declaration doesn't match your actual Draw_Middle function as far as the parameters it takes. They need to match. Also, you have to decide what Draw_Middle's job is. Can it do its job without knowing the width and height? If not, you need to pass it those variables as parameters. Otherwise, since they are not global variables, Draw_Middle has no way of knowing their values.

Still getting errors...I wanna say that I need to do some kind of loop in draw middle for the rows but could be wrong

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width);
void Draw_Middle(char symbol);

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	if (height < 0)

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();

	Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)



void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(char symbol)



char Get_Character()

		for(int col = 0; col < width; ++ col)
			cout << symbol;

Still getting errors...I wanna say that I need to do some kind of loop in draw middle for the rows but could be wrong

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width);
void Draw_Middle(char symbol);

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;

	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	if (height < 0)

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();

	Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)



void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(char symbol)



char Get_Character()

		for(int col = 0; col < width; ++ col)
			cout << symbol;

Lines 73 - 75 are sitting out in the middle of nowhere. They are not part of any function and in order for a function to be called like you are trying to do in line 74, that function call needs to be in the main function or another function. Right now it is in neither. These brackets problems will jump out at you more if you fix some of your spacing/indentation to be more consistent.

I have significant changes and I just need help with this height part...could anyone take a look and offer me suggestions......

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number();
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width);
void Draw_Middle(int height, int width, char symbol);

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;
	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number();

	if (height < 0)

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number();

	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();
	cout << endl;

	Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);
	cout << endl;
	Draw_Middle(height, width, symbol);
	cout << endl;
	cout << endl << endl;
	return 0;

int Get_Number()
	int x;
	bool inputInvalid = true;
	while (inputInvalid)
        cin >> x;
		if (x == 0  || x == 1 || x == 2)
			cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again !!!" << endl << "Enter the height: ";
		inputInvalid = false;
	return x;

char Get_Character()
	char symbol = 0;

cin >> symbol;
		return symbol;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)



void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(int height, int width, char symbol)

	for (int count = 1; count <= height; count++)
		cout << symbol;


Draw_Middle may have a nested loop. The outer loop could control how many times you need to draw a line and would range from zero to height minus two and the inner loop will actually control each middle line displayed. Each line will have a pipe character displayed first and last with width minus two symbol characters in between the two pipes.

Alternatively, you could construct a string consisting of a pipe char follwed by width minus two number of symbol characters followed by a pipe char using sequential calls to the concatenation protocol of your choice. Then using a loop, print out height minus two strings, one per line.

Once you can get all that working you will have completed most of the basics in actually displaying a box, but there is still quite a bit of detail in the program requirements as per post #1 that should be considered. You should be able to use the techniques you've heard about/read/learned to meet all the required specifications.

i think I am close but when i compile it...i get just numbers

void Draw_Middle(int height, int width, char symbol)


	cout << '|';
	for (int count = 3; count <= width; count++)
	cout << symbol;
	cout << '|';

int count = 1;
while (count <= height)
cout << " " << count;

Lines 6 through 9 don't create a valid string. They display char to the screen that look like a valid string but they don't create a valid string that can be repeated. The code could be used as a valid inner loop body for a nested loop version of the solution, though you'd be smart to indent line 8 compared with line 7.

Tuck lines 6-9 inside an outer for loop if you want. But remember you need to repeat the middle lines height minus two times, not height times.

I almost had it done with one minor thing and the height(not worrying about the height right now...I am aware of that situation and will get that done at a later time but when I compile my program it completely blows up...does anyone see a minor error or is it something tha I just need to go back where I was.......

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number(string prompt);
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width);
void Draw_Middle(int height, int width, char symbol);

int main()
	int height, width, x = 0;
	char symbol;
	cout << "Programmed by Jim Johnson";
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number("height");

	if (height >= 3)

	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number("width");

	if ( width <=3 )
                           cout << "Please enter a valid value for the width" << endl;
                  } while (width <= 3 );
          else if ( height >= 0 && height <= 3 )
                cout << "Please enter a valid value for the height or a negative number to exit" << endl;
                cout << "Thanks for playing." << endl;
                exit (1);
	} while (height >= 0 && height <= 3);         
	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();
	cout << endl;

	Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);
	cout << endl;
	Draw_Middle(height, width, symbol);
	cout << endl;

	cout << endl << endl << "Enter the height at the first prompt and the width at the second!";
	cout << endl;

	return 0;

int Get_Number(string prompt)
	int x = 0;
	return x;

char Get_Character()
	char symbol = 0;

cin >> symbol;
		return symbol;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)


void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(int height, int width, char symbol)

	cout << '|';
	for (int count = 3; count <= width; count++)
	cout << symbol;
	cout << '|';

int count = 1;
while (count <= height)
cout << " " << count;

nevermind I put that cin >> x and it worked...still gotta figure that loop out but I if need help with that or more with the height Ill get back to u guys

having problems with the height...any suggestions

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char Get_Character();
int Get_Number(string prompt);
void Draw_Rectangle(int height, int width, char symbol);
void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width);
void Draw_Middle(int height, int width, char symbol);

int main()
	int height, width;
	char symbol;
	cout << "Programmed by Bryan Kruep";
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << "Type a negative for the height to exit!";
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Enter the height: ";
	height = Get_Number("height");

	if (height > 3)
	cout << "Enter the width: ";
	width = Get_Number("width");

	if ( width <= 3 )
              cout << "Invalid!! Width can not be less than 3." << endl << "Try Again!!!" << endl;
          } while (width <= 3 );
         else if ((height < 3) && (height < 3))
                cout << "Invalid!! Height can not be less than 3." << endl << "Type a negative height to exit! Try Again!!!";
          exit (1);
	cout << "Enter the character to fill the rectangle with: ";
	symbol = Get_Character();
	Draw_Rectangle(height, width, symbol);
	cout << endl;
	Draw_Middle(height, width, symbol);

	cout << endl << "Enter the height at the first prompt and the width at the second!" << endl << "Type a negative for the first prompt to exit!";
	cout << endl;
	} while (height >= 3);

	return 0;

int Get_Number(string variable)
	int x = 0;
	cin >> x;
	return x;

char Get_Character()
	char symbol = 0;

cin >> symbol;
	return symbol;

void Draw_Rectangle(int width, int height, char symbol)


void Draw_Top_Bottom(int width)
	for (int count = 1; count <= width; count++)
	cout << '-';

void Draw_Middle(int height, int width, char symbol)

	for(int count = 0; count < height - 2; ++count)
	cout << '|';
	for (int count = 1; count < width - 1; ++count)
	cout << symbol;
	cout << '|' << endl;

you need to be more specific. What type of problem are you having with height? Does it not print the correct number of lines to the screen? Or is it more like if I comment out lines 21-47 things work but when I try to compile/run the program with those lines in then the program crashes? Or the program won't quit when I enter -1 for height? Or........

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