cs_tx_usa 0 Light Poster

Please someone help me with this code. I keep getting an exception saying Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. What I am trying to do is reading a binary file that has a single data type and then writing them into a file. Any help is appreciated.

Dim s1 As FileStream 'Load file 1
            Dim s3 As FileStream 'Save output

            If System.IO.File.Exists(TextBox19.Text) Then
            End If
            s1 = New FileStream(TextBox1.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
            s3 = New FileStream(TextBox19.Text, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)

            Dim br1 As BinaryReader
            Dim bw As BinaryWriter

            br1 = New BinaryReader(s1)
            bw = New BinaryWriter(s3)

            Dim fLen1 As Integer
            Dim f1 As New System.IO.FileInfo(TextBox1.Text)

            fLen1 = f1.Length

            Dim snglRead1(fLen1) As Single
            Dim snglOutput(fLen1) As Single 'wıll hold results from division
             Dim i As Integer
            Dim j As Integer
            Dim k As Integer
            Dim m As Integer
            For i = 0 To fLen1 - 1
                 snglRead1(i) = br1.ReadSingle() 'EXCEPTION thrown right here

            For j = 0 To fLen1 - 1
                snglOutput(j) = snglRead1(j)

            MessageBox.Show("file created succesfully!", "Done")
        End If