ah12345 0 Newbie Poster

I'm trying to write a client for this web service (see wsdl below), but anything I've tried so far doestn't work. With SOAPpy, I'm getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\SOAPpy\Client.py", line 470, in __call__
return self.__r_call(*args, **kw)
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\SOAPpy\Client.py", line 492, in __r_call
self.__hd, self.__ma)
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\SOAPpy\Client.py", line 406, in __call
raise p
faultType: <Fault env:Client: Endpoint {AnotherName}myPort does not contain operation meta data for: doGreeting>

This is the wsdl. I've generate it in Java using WS. If anyone could please give me an example for the client in Python.

- <definitions name="myNameService" targetNamespace="AnotherName" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:tns="AnotherName" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
- <types>
- <xs:schema targetNamespace="AnotherName" version="1.0" xmlns:tns="AnotherName" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <xs:element name="doGreeting" type="tns:doGreeting" /> 
  <xs:element name="doGreetingResponse" type="tns:doGreetingResponse" /> 
  <xs:complexType name="doGreeting" /> 
- <xs:complexType name="doGreetingResponse">
- <xs:sequence>
  <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="myReturn" type="xs:string" /> 
- <message name="myName_doGreeting">
  <part element="tns:doGreeting" name="doGreeting" /> 
- <message name="myName_doGreetingResponse">
  <part element="tns:doGreetingResponse" name="doGreetingResponse" /> 
- <portType name="myName">
- <operation name="doGreeting" parameterOrder="doGreeting">
  <input message="tns:myName_doGreeting" /> 
  <output message="tns:myName_doGreetingResponse" /> 
- <binding name="myNameBinding" type="tns:myName">
  <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /> 
- <operation name="doGreeting">
  <soap:operation soapAction="" /> 
- <input>
  <soap:body use="literal" /> 
- <output>
  <soap:body use="literal" /> 
- <service name="myNameService">
- <port binding="tns:myNameBinding" name="myPort">
  <soap:address location="http://usto230205:8080/ConverterWS/ConverterWebService" /> 
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