This code works to access the whole file, but need to access the primary key. Please help! Thanks! :mrgreen:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "ODBCWrapper.cpp"
//make sure you include the namespace
using namespace ODBC;
int main(void) {
MDBConnection link;
if(link.Connect("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Chester Mayle\\My Documents\\My Data Sources\\db1.mdb")) {
ODBCStmt Stmt(link);
SQLExecDirect(Stmt, (SQLTCHAR *) _T("USE Foo"), SQL_NTS);
int pos = 1;
TCHAR strQuery[256] = _T("SELECT * FROM \"ID Data Base\"");
int nRet = Stmt.Query(strQuery);
printf("%5d:\tColumns\t%d\r\n\r\n", Stmt.GetColumnCount(), 0);
while(Stmt.Fetch()) {
ODBCRecord rec(Stmt);
printf("Row %5d\r\n", pos);
INT i = 0;
while(i < Stmt.GetColumnCount()) {
TCHAR Desc[512] = _T("");
SQLINTEGER cbDesc = 0;
rec.GetData(i + 1, Desc, sizeof(Desc), & cbDesc);
TCHAR Name[256] = _T("");
rec.GetColumnName(i + 1, Name, sizeof(Name));
printf("\t%15s\t\\>\t%25s\r\n", Name, Desc);
else {
printf("Connection failed.");
return 0;