i did a project in VB6 with ms access 2003 in which i successfully run but whn i take the exe file then Package & Deployment Wizard, after whn i install and open and user login for particular user name and pw(it available in the DB), it says that "runtime error 3265, corresponding to the requested name or cordinal" in this login i put check box whn the particular user log then it will indicate the authorized check box, if anyone those who expert in vb who can help me, coding as follows:
Option Explicit
Dim DB As ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ck1, ck2, ck3, ck4, ck5, ck6, ck7, ck8, ck9, ck10, ck11, ck12, ck13, Ck14 As Boolean
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdend_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Set RS = DB.Execute("select * from CellManager where username='" & txtUserName.Text & "'" & "and Password ='" & txtPassword.Text & "'")
RS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
RS.LockType = adLockOptimistic
If RS.RecordCount > 0 Then
If RS!Level.Value = "1" Then
frmMainMenu.cmdUserDetail.Visible = True
frmMainMenu.cmdUserDetail.Visible = False
End If
displayManager RS!rcka, RS!rckr, RS!rckd, RS!wcka, RS!wckr, RS!wckd, RS!scka, RS!sckr, RS!sckd, RS!pcka, RS!pckr, RS!pckd, RS!ackr, RS!Level
Load frmMainMenu
MsgBox "Your Username and Password combination is incorrect.Please try again.", , "Note it..."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set DB = New ADODB.Connection
With DB
.Provider = "Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "data source=" & App.Path & "\Flintec.mdb"
End With
End Sub
Public Function displayManager(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14 As Integer)
If (c1 = 1) Then
ck1 = True
Else: ck1 = False
End If
If (c2 = 1) Then
ck2 = True
Else: ck2 = False
End If
If (c3 = 1) Then
ck3 = True
Else: ck3 = False
End If
If (c4 = 1) Then
ck4 = True
Else: ck4 = False
End If
If (c5 = 1) Then
ck5 = True
Else: ck5 = False
End If
If (c6 = 1) Then
ck6 = True
Else: ck6 = False
End If
If (c7 = 1) Then
ck7 = True
Else: ck7 = False
End If
If (c8 = 1) Then
ck8 = True
Else: ck8 = False
End If
If (c9 = 1) Then
ck9 = True
Else: ck9 = False
End If
If (c10 = 1) Then
ck10 = True
Else: ck10 = False
End If
If (c11 = 1) Then
ck11 = True
Else: ck11 = False
End If
If (c12 = 1) Then
ck12 = True
Else: ck12 = False
End If
If (c13 = 1) Then
ck13 = True
Else: ck13 = False
End If
If (c14 = 1) Then
Ck14 = True
Else: Ck14 = False
End If
frmMainMenu.cmdAddRocker.Enabled = ck1
frmMainMenu.cmdRepRocker.Enabled = ck2
frmMainMenu.cmdDelRocker.Enabled = ck3
frmMainMenu.cmdAddWelded.Enabled = ck4
frmMainMenu.cmdRepWelded.Enabled = ck5
frmMainMenu.cmdDelWelded.Enabled = ck6
frmMainMenu.cmdAddSpecial.Enabled = ck7
frmMainMenu.cmdRepSpecial.Enabled = ck8
frmMainMenu.cmdDelSpecial.Enabled = ck9
frmMainMenu.cmdAddPotted.Enabled = ck10
frmMainMenu.cmdRepPotted.Enabled = ck11
frmMainMenu.cmdDelPotted.Enabled = ck12
frmMainMenu.cmdCommon.Enabled = ck13
frmMainMenu.cmdUserDetail.Enabled = Ck14
Load frmMainMenu
End Function
-Best Regards-