Kartikey 0 Newbie Poster

following is the code for taking back-up of data in vb6.0( and MS-Access)

i want to conver it into vb.net2003 (and SQL server 2000)

its very urgent
i want to implement it into my project

Private Sub mnuRestore_Click()
On Error GoTo errdes

  C1.CancelError = True
    MsgBox "If You want to Restore Your Data" & vbCrLf & "          Insert Floppy Disk", vbInformation

Dim FSys As New FileSystemObject

Dim thisFile As File

msg = MsgBox("Your Records will be Updated Permanently      " & vbCrLf & _
"       Are You Sure............................?", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Restore")
If msg = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    C1.InitDir = "A:"
C1.Filter = "Backup|*.mdb"
C1.DialogTitle = "Restore Data"
Set thisFile = FSys.GetFile(C1.FileName)
'thisFile.Copy App.Path & "\adv.mdb", True
thisFile.Copy "C:\sagar.mdb", True
'Timer1.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
 If Err.Number = 32755 Then
   Exit Sub
   MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, "Error"
 End If

End Sub

Private Sub mnuBackUp_Click()
On Error GoTo errdes

'If glb_Decl.id <> "Administrator" Then
'MsgBox "Plz Contact Your Administrator", vbInformation, "Warning@OHMS Air Con"
'Exit Sub
'End If

C1.CancelError = True
    MsgBox "If You want to take BackUp on Floppy Disk" & vbCrLf & "                 Insert Floppy Disk", vbInformation
Dim FSys As New FileSystemObject
Dim thisFile As File
    Dim fld As Folder
Set thisFile = FSys.GetFile(App.Path & "\sagar.mdb")

msg = MsgBox("Want To Need BackUp of Your Data", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If msg = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    C1.InitDir = "A:"
C1.Filter = "Backup|*.mdb"
C1.FileName = "BackUpShriGanesh"
C1.DialogTitle = "ShriGanesh's Backup"

        Dim d As Integer
        Dim ln As Integer
        Dim sd As String
        Dim filenm As String
d = InStrRev(C1.FileName, "\")  'Checking Parent For Create Folder and Return Position last "\"
sd = Mid(C1.FileName, 1, d)     'Return Path for Creating Folder
      Set fld = FSys.CreateFolder(sd & "ShriGaneshBackup")   'Creating Folder
      ln = Len(C1.FileName)              'Return Length of Full Path
chk = ln - d                       'Return Only File Name Length
filenm = Right(C1.FileName, chk)   'Return File Name

 thisFile.Copy fld.Path & "\" & filenm
    Exit Sub
 If Err.Number = 32755 Then
   Exit Sub
   MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, "Error"
 End If

End Sub