What I want to do is when a user selects a radio button on a 2nd form, it will correspond with the first form.
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Say I want to change the last column and the last rows number with the letter V as so:
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . V
I cannot find any documentation on how to preform this feet, this is what I have been trying so far, but all I get is either null errors or some other thing.
Public Class rad
Dim uno, LC, R, V As String
Dim check As String
Private Sub btn_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _
btnUno.CheckedChanged, radLC.CheckedChanged, _
radReg.CheckedChanged, radVeg.CheckedChanged
If btnUno.Checked = True Then
''''If Chart.Then Then
'End If
Chart.txtA.Text = "."
Dim a As String = "."
'Chart.listSeat.SelectedItem = "."
Chart.listSeat.Items.Add(CStr(seat(row, col)))
ElseIf radLC.Checked = True Then
Chart.listSeat.SelectedItem = "L"
If radLC.Checked = Chart.txtA.Text Then
'Array.IndexOf(seat) = "L"
End If
ElseIf radReg.Checked = True Then
Chart.listSeat.SelectedItem = "R"
Chart.txtA.Text = "R"
ElseIf radVeg.Checked = True Then
Chart.listSeat.SelectedItem = "V"
Chart.txtA.Text = "V"
End If
End Sub
End Class
I was playing around with some things, but it just shows how inexperienced I am with some of the advanced features of VB.