I'm trying to use the BlueSoleil SDK with Python. To do this i use ctypes to call the BlueSoleil DLL. Here is the code:
import ctypes
print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_Init()
print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_StartBluetooth()
print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_StartDeviceDiscovery(0,0,0)
print ctypes.cdll.BsSDK.Btsdk_GetInquiredDevices(None,None)
The last call should return the number of active BT devices around, which is 3. But, it returns 0. I tried this in IDLE as well, and waited a while between the two last function calls. (Where the empty comment is). But, no success.
I might have misunderstood something. Here is the docs on Btsdk_GetInquiredDevices():
Prototype BTUINT32 Btsdk_GetInquiredDevices (
BTDEVHDL* pdevice_handles,
BTUINT32 max_dev_num
Description The Btsdk_GetInquiredDevices function gets a list of handles to the
device records that are marked as “ Inquired” devices .
Parameters pdevice_handles [out] Pointer to the buffer to receive the device
handles. If this parameter is set to NULL, the total
number of available handles is returned.
max_dev_num [in] Specifies the maximum number of handles
can be copied to the buffer pointed to by the
pdevice_handles parameter. If pdevice_handles is
set to NULL, the value of max_dev_num
parameter is ignored.
Return: If pdevice_handle is not NULL and max_dev_num is nonzero, the
return value is the number of handles copied to the buffer pointed to by
If pdevice_handle is NULL, the return value is the total number of
available handles.
Before calling Btsdk_Get InquiredDevices , the device database must be initialized by a
previous successful call to Btsdk_Init.
A device discovered during the inquiry procedure is marked as an “ Inquired” device. The
“ Inquired” flag will be kept until the next time Btsdk_StartDeviceDiscovery or Btsdk_Done is