kavithabhaskar 0 Junior Poster

When I uploaded my Vb Project on the server I was getting the following error:

"Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission contact your system administrator or use the MS.Net framework Configuration tool.

I came across the following remedy for my problem. Infact following till step 6 itself gave me the result. I have a question here.

1 Goto control panel --admin tools --Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0
2 Expand the Runtime Security Policy Node
3 Expand the Machine Level node.
4 Expand the Code Groups node. Right click on the All_Code node and
5 select "New..." Follow the wizard to build the new permission set
6 After you finish the wizard, you should be good
to go (on your computer at least!)
7 So before you exit the Framework Configuration, right click on "Runtime Security Policy" and select
"Create Deployment Package" and follow the wizard (be sure to select
Machine Level).
8 This installer has to be run on each computer that
is going to use your program

In the wizard that comes up while following the first 6 steps, I have to build a strong name as per the wizard's requirement. Say i typed "kukki" and now I go to the server and open my vb project's exe and I see it working very well.

but if a person who i didnt know went to the same server and followed the same process (step 1 to step 6) and got the same keyword "kukki" or surprisingly for that matter any keyword and then went to the server and opened my exe file, he also gets to access it just like I do.

What makes a difference ? why is this required ?

I understand from several blogs that my program is not in the My Computer Zone and thats the reason I have to go thru these sequence of steps but even if any other person could use any keyword and still access my exe files, .. I am not very clear about this issue..

Can you please clarify me on this if you have anything about this on mind ?


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