franz081227 0 Newbie Poster

hi guys

can i ask... i have a treeview here connceted to retrieve my 5 tables in mysql 3.51 to update the record but when the records is being retrieved all the records in the database even the other contents that are not needed is being retrieved. Pls help me with this guys i have a thesis work in next week and i was stuck in here for 4 week.... I am open in any replies!
Thanks in advans!

Public Sub S_SET_TREE_VIEW()
        Dim sqlMain As String
        Dim rsMain As New ADODB.Recordset
        Dim sql1 As String
        Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset

        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlMain = "Select count(detBUdcode) as NoRec from detmain_tab where detbudcode='" & lblBudgetCode.Text & "' And" & _
            " recStat='" & "TEMP" & "'"
        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then
            sqlMain = "Select count(detBUdcode) as NoRec from detmain_tab where detbudcode='" & lblBudgetCode.Text & "' And" & _
            " recStat='" & "SAVE" & "'"
        End If

        m = 0
        rsMain.Open(sqlMain, conn)
        If rsMain.EOF = False Then
            main = rsMain.Fields(0).Value
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlMain = "Select m_partDesc from detmain_tab where detBudCode ='" & lblBudgetCode.Text & "' And" & _
                        " recStat='" & "TEMP" & "'"

        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then
            sqlMain = "Select m_partDesc from detmain_tab where detbudcode ='" & lblBudgetCode.Text & "' And" & _
            " recStat='" & "SAVE" & "'"
        End If

        rsMain.Open(sqlMain, conn)
        Do While m < main
            Dim tvTN As New TreeNode
            tvTN.Text = rsMain.Fields(0).Value
            m = m + 1

    End Sub

    Public Sub S_SET_NODE_SUBMAIN(ByVal MainDesc As String)
        Dim sqlSubMain As String
        Dim rsSubMain As New ADODB.Recordset

        ms = 0
        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlSubMain = "Select count(ms.ms_partDesc) as NoRec from detMain_tab as m, detSubMain_tab as ms where m.detMaincode = ms.detMaincode and  m.m_partDesc ='" & MainDesc & "' And" & _
            " ms.recStat='" & "TEMP" & "'"
        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then
        End If

        rsSubMain.Open(sqlSubMain, conn)
        If rsSubMain.EOF = False Then
            submain = rsSubMain.Fields(0).Value
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlSubMain = "Select ms.ms_partDesc from detMain_tab as m, detSubMain_tab as ms where m.detMaincode = ms.detMaincode and  m.m_partDesc ='" & MainDesc & "' And" & _
                        " ms.recStat='" & "TEMP" & "'"
        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then
        End If

        rsSubMain.Open(sqlSubMain, conn)

        If rsSubMain.EOF = False Then
            Do While ms < submain

                Dim tvN As New TreeNode
                tvN.Text = rsSubMain.Fields(0).Value
                ms = ms + 1

        End If
        tmp = tmp + 1
    End Sub

    Public Sub S_SET_NODE_CAT(ByVal submainDesc As String)
        Dim sqlCat As String
        Dim rsCat As New ADODB.Recordset

        c = 0
        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlCat = "Select count(dc.detCatCode) as NoRec" & _
            " from detSubMain_tab as dm, detCat_tab as dc" & _
            " where dm.detSubMainCode = dc.detSubMainCode and" & _
            " dm.ms_partDesc ='" & submainDesc & "' And dc.recStat='" & "TEMP" & "'"
        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then

        End If

        rsCat.Open(sqlCat, conn)
        If rsCat.EOF = False Then
            cat = rsCat.Fields(0).Value
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlCat = "Select  dc.c_partDesc" & _
              " from detSubMain_tab as dm, detCat_tab as dc" & _
              " where dm.detSubMainCode = dc.detSubMainCode and" & _
              " dm.ms_partDesc ='" & submainDesc & "' And dc.recStat='" & "TEMP" & "'"
        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then

        End If

        rsCat.Open(sqlCat, conn)
        If rsCat.EOF = False Then
            Do While c < cat
                Dim tvN As New TreeNode
                tvN.Text = rsCat.Fields(0).Value
                c = c + 1
        End If
        tmpC = tmpC + 1

    End Sub

    Public Sub S_SET_NODE_SUBCAT(ByVal catDesc As String)
        Dim sqlSubCat As String
        Dim rsSubCat As New ADODB.Recordset

        cs = 0
        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlSubCat = "Select count(dcs.detSubCatCode) as NoRec" & _
            " from detSubCat_tab as dcs, detCat_tab as dc" & _
            " where dcs.detCatCode = dc.detCatcode and" & _
            " dc.c_partDesc ='" & catDesc & "' And dcs.recStat ='" & "TEMP" & "'"
        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then

        End If

        rsSubCat.Open(sqlSubCat, conn)
        If rsSubCat.EOF = False Then
            subcat = rsSubCat.Fields(0).Value
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If BudOperation = "NEW" Then
            sqlSubCat = "Select dcs.cs_partDesc as NoRec" & _
                        " from detSubCat_tab as dcs, detCat_tab as dc" & _
                        " where dcs.detCatCode = dc.detCatcode and" & _
                        " dc.c_partDesc ='" & catDesc & "' And dcs.recStat ='" & "TEMP" & "'"
        ElseIf BudOperation = "ADJUST" Then

        End If

        rsSubCat.Open(sqlSubCat, conn)
        If rsSubCat.EOF = False Then
            Do While cs < subcat
                Dim tvN As New TreeNode
                tvN.Text = rsSubCat.Fields(0).Value
                cs = cs + 1
        End If

        tmpcs = tmpcs + 1

    End Sub
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