DGULLIVER 10 Junior Poster in Training


As the Infragistics NetAdvantage COM forums appear dead so I though I will post here also.

I have a UltraGrid bound to a fabricated recorset. One of the columns has a valuelist attached with 12 items to choose from. When I click on the Dropdown box only 10 are shown and you have to use the scroll bar to see the other values.

Is there a way you can set the drop down to show all 12 items like in the SSComboBoxEX (Infragistics ComboBox) control's MaxDropDownLines property?

The Valuelists are created as follows:

With grdStrikesPrices
    'Create the ValueList and Populate it with a fabcricated ADODB Recordset
    If Not grdStrikesPrices.ValueLists.Exists("Month") Then

            .ValueLists.Add "Month"

            With .ValueLists("Month").ValueListItems

                If rsMonth.RecordCount > 0 Then

                    Do Until rsMonth.EOF
                        .Add Trim(rsMonth("Month")), Trim(rsMonth("Code"))
                End If

            End With
            grdStrikesPrices.ValueLists("Month").DisplayStyle = ssValueListDisplayStyleDataValue

        'Now attach the value list to the Column and make it a ComboBox
        With grdStrikesPrices.Bands(0).Columns("Month")
            .ValueList = "Month"
            .Style = ssStyleDropDown
        End With
    End If

End With
