ohlaph 0 Newbie Poster

I'm working on this project due by 4AM and my loop keeps stopping after following part of a loop. I've checked the code several times, but it just freezes inside the checkstuff function. Can someone tell me how I can break from that fucntion or loop and continue looping through a text file please?

The loop that calls the function is the loop I want to get back into after the function is called and executed, any suggestions?

Here is the code:

//Step 1: Setup and Define the variables
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
 void checkstuff( char course[], char desc[], char due[], char request[]);
int main() {
	//Local variables
	char course[70];
	char due[70];
	char desc[70];
	char fname[70];
	char request[25];

	strcpy(request, "cs161");
	/* To be un commented when rest of program is working okay
	//Step 2: Welcome the user and get the file name and class request
	//Welcome message and file request
	cout << "Welcome to the program, this program will read assignments from a file for you based on what class you're looking for.  But first, what file would you like to look in?" << endl;
	cin.get(fname, 70, '\n');
	//Prompt for the class they are looking for and store it in request
	cout << "What class are you looking for?" << endl;
	cin >> request;
	cout << endl;
	 //Step 4: open file and check to see if it's open
	ifstream filein;
	filein.open ("crazy.txt");

	if (filein) {
		//Step 5: Read in first line and check for end of file
		filein.get(course, 70, '\n');

		while (!filein.eof()) {
			//Step 6: Read in second and third lines and check it to see if it matches the class request
			filein.get(due, 70, '\n');
			filein.get(desc, 70, '\n');
			//Send it to the function
			checkstuff(course, due, desc, request);
			//Step 7: Continue checking file
			filein.get(course, 70, '\n');
	//Step 8: End of file has been reached, say good-bye
	cout << "The end of the file has been reached, thanks for using this program and good-bye!" << endl;
	return (0);

//This function checks the class request and echo's if it matches
 void checkstuff( char course[], char due[], char desc[], char request[]) {
	//Step 1-function: check the request for a match
	if (strcmp(course, request) == 0) {
		//Step 2-function: echo the result
		cout << course <<endl;
		cout << due << endl;
		cout << desc << endl;
		cout << endl;
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