First Form (maint_form):

private void updateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = studentList.SelectedIndex; // index of listbox same as Students...
            student updateStudent = Students[index]; // retrieve student to udpate
            scoreupdate scoreupdateFrm = new scoreupdate(updateStudent); // pass student to update form
            scoreupdateFrm.ShowDialog(); // show the form...

scoreupdate form:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace maint_student_scores
    public partial class scoreupdate : Form
        public student testscores = new student();
        List<student> Students;
        public scoreupdate(student updateStudent)

        private void updatescores_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void cancelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Close this box!

        private void clearscoresBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Lets clear all scores listed in our box!

        private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //lets add the name to our list!
   = nameTbox.Text;
            //make sure they get their scores also!
            //And we'll close this box so its out of the way and saved to our list.

        private void addBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            updatescores_add updateScoresAddFrm = new updatescores_add();

        private void updateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            updatescores_update updateScoresUpdateFrm = new updatescores_update();

        private void removeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void studentnameTbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


I guess my naming convention a bit weird, but its kinda how I understand it from my eye, I will work on changing a bit of it. Personally I just want to be rid of this project because I get ultra stressed when it comes to the weekend.

I am curious to see how far you have gotten on this. For the "scoreupdate" form, the purpose is to modifiy scores for one student only (selected from the main form). You have passed in the student object whose scores are to be modified: scoreupdate scoreupdateFrm = new scoreupdate(updateStudent) --good. Now, modify the form's events accordingly. Keep in mind:

  • You are not working with the List<student> Students , so this form doesn't need to know about this list, only the student being updated ( updateStudent
  • You are not creating a new student, so you should not be creating a new object of type student
  • You are only modifying the scores, so there is no need to change the field
  • The scores listbox is loaded using the same/similar techniques that the students listbox were loaded on your main form--just a different List is being used (scores); also how you get the selected item's index from the listbox for the score to edit, delete, etc.

Implement the functionality for this form and remove code that does not belong with this form that you have copied into it from the other form. Once you have implemented these concepts, we can pick up from there where you still need assistance, but you need to put in the effort in order to develop your understanding/skill.

Also, you need to begin using/adhering to some naming conventions; so think about this as you are writing code. The VS IDE also makes it easy to rename a definition and have that change propagate to everywhere the identifier is used (not sure all versions of VS do this). If you want suggestions, I am happy to give them and you can easily see how others use this practice by looking at their coding technique--be sure you are looking at well-written code--LOL. Pay particular attention to Camel Case and Capitalization techniques, as well as Form Control naming techniques (eg. tbxName for TextBox control representing Name, etc.). Many of us would rather see the default name textBox1 used for a TextBox control, rather than be sifting through lines of code trying to figure out what an object does because the name does not represent the aspects of it well. The sooner-the-better for you to learn and/or apply these techniques, because it not only helps you, but those trying to help you as well.


I am curious to see how far you have gotten on this. For the "scoreupdate" form, the purpose is to modifiy scores for one student only (selected from the main form). You have passed in the student object whose scores are to be modified: scoreupdate scoreupdateFrm = new scoreupdate(updateStudent) --good. Now, modify the form's events accordingly. Keep in mind:

  • You are not working with the List<student> Students , so this form doesn't need to know about this list, only the student being updated ( updateStudent
  • You are not creating a new student, so you should not be creating a new object of type student
  • You are only modifying the scores, so there is no need to change the field
  • The scores listbox is loaded using the same/similar techniques that the students listbox were loaded on your main form--just a different List is being used (scores); also how you get the selected item's index from the listbox for the score to edit, delete, etc.

Implement the functionality for this form and remove code that does not belong with this form that you have copied into it from the other form. Once you have implemented these concepts, we can pick up from there where you still need assistance, but you need to put in the effort in order to develop your understanding/skill.

Also, you need to begin using/adhering to some naming conventions; so think about this as you are writing code. The VS IDE also makes it easy to rename a definition and have that change propagate to everywhere the identifier is used (not sure all versions of VS do this). If you want suggestions, I am happy to give them and you can easily see how others use this practice by looking at their coding technique--be sure you are looking at well-written code--LOL. Pay particular attention to Camel Case and Capitalization techniques, as well as Form Control naming techniques (eg. tbxName for TextBox control representing Name, etc.). Many of us would rather see the default name textBox1 used for a TextBox control, rather than be sifting through lines of code trying to figure out what an object does because the name does not represent the aspects of it well. The sooner-the-better for you to learn and/or apply these techniques, because it not only helps you, but those trying to help you as well.


None of this is making any sense anymore. I've been working for about an hour and haven't made it any where with this. I've been trying to figure a way to pull the index of the Scores and nothing is working.

This is about as far as I have gotten and still doesn't even work:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace maint_student_scores
    public partial class scoreupdate : Form
        public student testscores = new student();
        public scoreupdate(student updateStudent)

        private void updatescores_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void cancelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Close this box!

        private void clearscoresBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Lets clear all scores listed in our box!

        private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void addBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            updatescores_add updateScoresAddFrm = new updatescores_add();

        private void updateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = scoreList.SelectedIndex;
            int updateScore = Scores[index];
            updatescores_update updateScoresUpdateFrm = new updatescores_update();

        private void removeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void studentnameTbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void scoreList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = scoreList.SelectedIndex;


I honestly am trying, but it just doesn't make sense like my past project have, too much inhert. and all these forms I don't know what to call to bring data.

Also I'm not sure what is wrong with my labeling because it makes pretty clear sense per form what each label is doing? Maybe you can point out what I'm doing wrong with that?

I'm going to make some damn headway with this project, I'll post whatever I get in a couple hours, I need a break from all this.
I'll keep in mind the suggestions and let you know what I come up with.


Really quick question as I was able to get this project working, I redid EVERYTHING because my friend told me my coding with worthless and it made no sense, he always gave me some pointers.
I've attached the error I'm getting and I'm not sure why maybe someone can tell me why?

Here is the code that is having the problem:

public bool UpdateStudent(int originalIndex, Student studentToEdit)
                Student student = GetStudent(originalIndex);  //select index of student
                student.Name = studentToEdit.Name;  //name of student
                this.studentList.RemoveAt(originalIndex); //remove the student at the index selected
                this.studentList.Insert(originalIndex, student); //insert new student at index.
                UpdateStudentList(); //update student list
            catch { return false; }
            return true;

        public Student GetStudent(int id)
            return (Student)studentList.ElementAt(id);

When I go to update the list it say that the ElementAt(id); is out of range argument, not sure why, the image show the full error, any suggestions would be great.

BTW DdoubleD,
Just wanted to apologize for getting extremely frustrated with the project, I took a day and half away from it (and about an hour later of my friend ripping me about my coding) redid this to look pretty and nice... And made it make sense to me. You were a big help and I took your suggestion in the naming conventional.

Any who any suggestion or hints on what I might be doing wrong for the code above would be great, thank you.

The error means that you are trying to access an address in the array that doesnt exist:

List<string> sl = { "a", "b" };
                    string c = sl[2];

In my example the collection holds 2 items (indexed as 0 and 1). I'm trying to access index 2 which doesnt exist.

I'm assuming that "(Student)studentList.ElementAt(id);" means you have moved to using an ArrayList rather than a strongly typed list. You were better with a List<Student> in my opinion, if a collection will only ever store a single type of object you should strongly type the list to ensure it can ONLY hold that type. Just my opinion :)

As for the index issue, firstly: when you call "ElementAt(id)" is id the index of the student you are trying to retrieve?
If so, double check that the id you are passing is a valid one. Firstly, debug to ensure you are passing the correct value, and also add a check in your GetStudent() method to ensure that bad id's are caught rather than processed :)

No worries mate--we all get frustrated sometimes. Looks like you are not giving up and making some headway.

Is there a reason you switched to ArrayList to hold your Student list?


No worries mate--we all get frustrated sometimes. Looks like you are not giving up and making some headway.

Is there a reason you switched to ArrayList to hold your Student list?


I take that back, I'm still using a list. I think maybe that is why I'm having an issue. public List<Student> studentList = new List<Student>(); I'm still using a list.

As for the index issue, firstly: when you call "ElementAt(id)" is id the index of the student you are trying to retrieve?
you are correct.

Here the weird thing to the error is that if I remove the ToString() that show my TotalScore, Average, TotalCount (on my main form), the error goes away and everything work, but the 3 boxes (one above here I just named) don't work then. Its odd, if I need I can post the whole thing. So close to finishing it, if I can just crush this error :-D.

it would probably help if you could post the code, what you've described sounds like rather odd behaviour :p

ElementAt is not the correct way to access a typed list, you should access the items like this:

Student s = studentList[id]

Post the code and we'll help you hunt down this last bug for you :)

If you just need to access a student from the List<Student> type (studentList) using the "id" you are passing in (assuming it is a valid index), here is the change:

public Student GetStudent(int id)
            return studentList[id];

Here the error I get:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

Here the main form where the error comes up:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace maint_student_scores
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public List<Student> studentList = new List<Student>();

        public Form1()

            students.DataSource = studentList;  //Show students.
            students.DisplayMember = "Name";  //Display their name

        public void UpdateStudentList()
            students.DataSource = null;
            students.DataSource = studentList;
            students.DisplayMember = "Name";

        public bool AddStudent(Student studentToAdd)
                this.studentList.Add(studentToAdd); //add student to the list.
                UpdateStudentList(); //update student list.
            catch { return false; }
            return true;

        public bool UpdateStudent(int originalIndex, Student studentToEdit)
                Student student = GetStudent(originalIndex);  //select index of student
                student.Name = studentToEdit.Name;  //name of student
                this.studentList.RemoveAt(originalIndex); //remove the student at the index selected
                this.studentList.Insert(originalIndex, student); //insert new student at index.
                UpdateStudentList(); //update student list
            catch { return false; }
            return true;

        public Student GetStudent(int id)  //Get student index
            return studentList[id];

        public bool DeleteStudent(int id) //remove student at index.
            catch { return false; }
            return true;

        private void updateStudent_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UpdateStudentForm updateStudentForm = new UpdateStudentForm(this, students.SelectedIndex); //pass curent info to new form
            updateStudentForm.Show(); //open new form

        private void deleteStudent_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!DeleteStudent(students.SelectedIndex))  //check if student is selected from list.
                MessageBox.Show("Error deleting student..."); //throw message box saying that a student isn't selected.

        private void ExitButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Dispose();  //clear everything
            this.Close();  //close form

        private void addStudent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AddStudentForm addStudentForm = new AddStudentForm(this);  //pass info to new form
            addStudentForm.Show(); // open new form

        private void students_SelectedIndexChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Student student = GetStudent(students.SelectedIndex);  //select index from list
            ScoreTotalTextBox.Text = student.GetScoreTotal().ToString(); //show Score Total to box
            ScoreCountTextBox.Text = student.GetScoreCount().ToString(); //show Score Count to box
            ScoreAverageTextBox.Text = student.GetScoreAverage().ToString(); //show Score Average to box               

Here the form that when I press ok, cause the error on the main form:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace maint_student_scores
    public partial class UpdateStudentForm : Form
        private Form1 parentForm;  //main form
        private Student studentToEdit; //student list
        private int index; //index

        public UpdateStudentForm(Form1 parentForm, int index)  //update parent form (Form1) with the new student and scores
            this.parentForm = parentForm;
            this.index = index;
            this.studentToEdit = this.parentForm.GetStudent(index);


            this.StudentName.Text = this.studentToEdit.Name;

        public void AddScoreToStudent(int value) //add score to current student and display in the list

        public void UpdateScoreAtIndex(int id, int value)  //update a score selected from the list
            studentToEdit.GetScores()[id] = value;

        public int GetScoreAtIndex(int id)  //get the score index
            return studentToEdit.GetScoreAt(id);

        private void UpdateScoreDisplay()  //update the score display list
            this.CurrentScores.DataSource = null;
            this.CurrentScores.DataSource = studentToEdit.GetScores();

        private void AddScoreButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  //open the add score form
            AddScoreForm addScoreForm = new AddScoreForm(this);

        private void RemoveScoreButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) //remove a score from current index and update display list

        private void ClearScoresButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) //clear all scores

        private void CloseButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Close();  //close form

        private void UpdateButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)  //open update form for current student
            Student updatedStudent = new Student();
            updatedStudent.Name = StudentName.Text;
            this.parentForm.UpdateStudent(index, updatedStudent);

        private void UpdateScoresButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UpdateScoreForm updateScoreForm = new UpdateScoreForm(this, CurrentScores.SelectedIndex);

Let me know if you need anything else, I'll keep playing with it and see if I can find something.

And out of curiosity of learning, where would you use code like this: return (Student)studentList.ElementAt(id); ?

I need you to post your zipped up project--current version...

Ok thank you for the help. Let me know if something doesn't make sense. i'm still commenting\changing a few things to be a textbox (if there are any left).

Thank you again.

I need to get you to a good starting point. Begin by making these changes. Do not remove the comments at this time because I want you to be able to look back and reflect at what we did:

public partial class UpdateStudentForm : Form
        // You don't need to know about the parent form!!!
        //private Form1 parentForm;  //main form
        private Student studentToEdit; //student list
        // there is no need to carry around this index, which can cause you index out of range too.
        //private int index; //index

        // this form only needs to know about this student to udpate...
        public UpdateStudentForm(Student updateStudent)
            // set this form's student reference to one passed in...
            this.studentToEdit = updateStudent;


            // OK--setting textbox for name and listbox for scores...
            this.StudentName.Text = this.studentToEdit.Name;

And in main Form1,...

private void updateStudent_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the index of the currently selected student in the ListBox
            // Remember naming conventions: students s/b something 
            // like: lbxStudents or listBoxStudents or lbStudents etc...
            int index = students.SelectedIndex;
            // ensure this index is valid and in range with our list...
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < studentList.Count);

            // Get a reference to the selected student in the studentList...
            Student updateStudent = studentList[index];

            // Pass in only the student we are updating...
            UpdateStudentForm updateStudentForm = new UpdateStudentForm(updateStudent);

            // Create form and show as modeless! (ShowDialog())
            updateStudentForm.ShowDialog(); //open new form

EDIT: Let me know when you have those changes and can compile and run (can add student with scores and bring up student in update form).

I need to get you to a good starting point. Begin by making these changes. Do not remove the comments at this time because I want you to be able to look back and reflect at what we did:

public partial class UpdateStudentForm : Form
        // You don't need to know about the parent form!!!
        //private Form1 parentForm;  //main form
        private Student studentToEdit; //student list
        // there is no need to carry around this index, which can cause you index out of range too.
        //private int index; //index

        // this form only needs to know about this student to udpate...
        public UpdateStudentForm(Student updateStudent)
            // set this form's student reference to one passed in...
            this.studentToEdit = updateStudent;


            // OK--setting textbox for name and listbox for scores...
            this.StudentName.Text = this.studentToEdit.Name;

And in main Form1,...

private void updateStudent_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the index of the currently selected student in the ListBox
            // Remember naming conventions: students s/b something 
            // like: lbxStudents or listBoxStudents or lbStudents etc...
            int index = students.SelectedIndex;
            // ensure this index is valid and in range with our list...
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < studentList.Count);

            // Get a reference to the selected student in the studentList...
            Student updateStudent = studentList[index];

            // Pass in only the student we are updating...
            UpdateStudentForm updateStudentForm = new UpdateStudentForm(updateStudent);

            // Create form and show as modeless! (ShowDialog())
            updateStudentForm.ShowDialog(); //open new form

EDIT: Let me know when you have those changes and can compile and run (can add student with scores and bring up student in update form).

I can compile run and everything, just can't add more than one student :S, give me an error at: return studentList[id];

I'm glad if you understand--very good. Before you get side-tracked, Here are some more changes I want you to make, then you can disappear for a while (LOL) while you produce the remaining implementation...

public partial class UpdateScoreForm : Form
        // no need to know about the other form...
        //private UpdateStudentForm parentForm; //current form

        // Score list and index to score being edited
        private int index; //index of score
        private List<int> Scores;

        // Pass in Score list and index to score being edited...
        // The reason we don't just pass in the single score, is because simple
        // types are passed in by value and the result would be lost...
        // There are other ways we could have done this, but let's keep it simple for now...
        public UpdateScoreForm(int index, List<int> Scores)//UpdateStudentForm parentForm, int index)  //pull score from previous form.
            //this.parentForm = parentForm;

            // this.Scores is a reference to Scores passed in, so when we update it,
            // the change will appear in the caller's list too...
            this.index = index;
            this.Scores = Scores;


            //this.CurrentScore.Text = this.parentForm.GetScoreAtIndex(index).ToString();

            // Set textbox (naming conventions!) to correct score value...
            this.CurrentScore.Text = Scores[index].ToString();

Then in calling form:

private void UpdateScoresButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the index of selected listbox item (score)...
            // Again, use naming conventions for a listbox...
            int index = CurrentScores.SelectedIndex;
            // ensure there is a score selected, or there is nothing to update...
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (index >= 0);
            List<int> scores = studentToEdit.GetScores();

            // ensure the index is within range of our scores list...
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index < scores.Count);

            // call the update score form...
            // only information it needs is this score...
            // passing in scores list because needs reference (see comments at constructor)...
            UpdateScoreForm updateScoreForm = new UpdateScoreForm(index, scores);

            // Create form and show modeless! (ShowDialog())...

Which will break this, so comment out code until you can fix it to work with the Scores list:

private void UpdateButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) //update current score that was selected from previous form
            // TODO: update the Scores list with the change the user typed...

            //this.parentForm.UpdateScoreAtIndex(index, Convert.ToInt32(CurrentScore.Text));

If you understand those changes, you should be good to go. Put some time into it and I think you will be alright. Remember naming conventions and leave in those comments I put in until you finish this bad boy!


lol, will do. I'm step out real quick (issue w\ work atm ~_~), but you should hear from in about 20-30min if I blow this project up again lol. Thanks for the help, the changes look to make sense so far.

private void UpdateButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) //update current score that was selected from previous form
            // TODO: update the Scores list with the change the user typed...
            //this.parentForm.UpdateScoreAtIndex(index, Convert.ToInt32(CurrentScore.Text));

This is the only part that is killing me at the moment is trying to get the string to update back to the previous form. I know its staring me at the face and that some how I have to convert it to an int32 and throw it back as a ToString to show up on the CurrentScores List.

Reverse engineer the problem... I have shown you how to get the information into the form and you have a reference to the student's Scores and an index of the score being edited. Look how the constructor pulled the student's score, then just reverse that process to put the update in there.

If you are going to be a programmer, or claim to have learned these skills, you need to pick up these fundamentals and begin thinking in a logical manner to figure things like this out.

I really don't know what else to do if you cannot figure this out; other than to write you application for you, but I'm not going to do that and I hope that is not what you want.

Reverse engineer the problem... I have shown you how to get the information into the form and you have a reference to the student's Scores and an index of the score being edited. Look how the constructor pulled the student's score, then just reverse that process to put the update in there.

If you are going to be a programmer, or claim to have learned these skills, you need to pick up these fundamentals and begin thinking in a logical manner to figure things like this out.

I really don't know what else to do if you cannot figure this out; other than to write you application for you, but I'm not going to do that and I hope that is not what you want.

Thank you for that tip, I looked at it really hard and its clicking.

So far:

Scores[index] = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentScore.Text);

I know I'm on the right track now; just have to figure out how to update the parentform after the close. And I think my light bulb just went off.

EDIT: still trying to figure out how to get the previous form to update the score in the list. I can get the score to update and then when I select the same one it comes up with the new value I selected.

And on a side note, I really hope I never have to work full time as a programmer :S, I kinda got stuck into doing C#\C++ due to it being apart of my Computer Science degree and they didn't have the classes I really wanted (linux shell scripting) and stuff like that I have done in the past and use daily. But... You guys have been a HUGE help in getting me through this and making me not quit so props for that.

WOW... So I decided to take a look around at my code and started playing with things. Just a real quick question: is there a limit amount of memory or char or value that a List can hold before it might throw some errors about an index being out of range and stuff, if so I know what I'm doing wrong and this is going to be a lot easier for me to figure out.
Thank you.

I can assure you that the index out of range, based on the code I saw, was/is not being caused by lack of memory.

EDIT: You know that when you are debugging this you can look at the list Count property and the value of the index where the error is thrown. You will see the index is >= to Count, or is less than 0, all of which indicate an improper index out of range.

yeah just kinda remembered that when I was messing around with the debug. Yeah I believe I'm just about done with this, fixing a couple minor things with the index on the other forms, but things are slowly working they're way into place. I just hope that trying to write all the data to a file on a local machine and pulling it back up from a location of that file is easier than doing this whole thing :(.

I think my final two questions I have would be:
1) My delete button throw me my error about out of range index.

public Student GetStudent(int id)  //Get student index
            return studentList[id];

        public bool DeleteStudent(int id) //remove student at index.
            catch { return false; }
            return true;

private void deleteStudent_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!DeleteStudent(studentsList.SelectedIndex))  //check if student is selected from list.
                MessageBox.Show("Error deleting student..."); //throw message box saying that a student isn't selected.

I'm not sure why it would throw out a debug error, because it does exactely what the code says, remove student at (id) which is the index.

And the final one is, if there are no scores for a student how would I make it show just 0 for the 3 boxes on the main form, because I get an error with

public int GetScoreAverage()
            return GetScoreTotal() / GetScoreCount();

I know in the past I worked with a float value and had all the calculation done on one single form. Would it work the sameway?

private void deleteStudent_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!DeleteStudent(studentsList.SelectedIndex))  //check if student is selected from list.
                MessageBox.Show("Error deleting student..."); //throw message box saying that a student isn't selected.

Why did you change this method? It was more correct the way you had it before. This won't even compile because "studentList" does not have a SelectedIndex property.

Why did you change this method? It was more correct the way you had it before. This won't even compile because "studentList" does not have a SelectedIndex property.

I never changed this method. Unless I really just screwed everything up and removed the newer copy of my code and replaced it with my old code. Do you happen by chance to have the code I put there before? I think I just screwed my whole work space again ~_~.

EDIT: Yup... Just lost some of my work... That delete part got changed I guess when I was copying\pasting some code around and I didn't save it.

Here is what you had before:

private void deleteStudent_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!DeleteStudent(students.SelectedIndex))  //check if student is selected from list.
                MessageBox.Show("Error deleting student..."); //throw message box saying that a student isn't selected.

ok yeah I do remember changing that then just was testing something, but still throw the index out of wack when I try to remove a student from the list and not having much luck figuring out why.

You need to check that index because maybe there is no student selected or something.

if (students.SelectedItem < 0)
    MessageBox.Show("No student selected...");
else if (students.SelectedItem >= studentList.Count)
    MessageBox.Show("Programmer Error: List out of Sync with ListBox!");

I have dinner plans so I have to leave now... Good luck and look at all of those comments I made for you showing how to check index to make sure it is valid...

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