mimi8469 0 Newbie Poster

hello every1, pls am new to programming . doin my undergrad dissertation on cd database. cd is manually put into cd drive. cd contents like artist, song, etc, are copied off the cd and then put into a database.
right now, am having problems with the copying of cd contents. my code gives no error but its not retrieving the contents. tested with the same cd.using a textbox as a storage of contents for now.

can som1 pls help me with this code pls or help with another way of retrieving the cd contents. i dnt know wat else to do. my deadline is in 3wks. PLS HELP!!!

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Namespace CdRomManagement
Public Partial Class Form1 
       Inherits Form
Public Sub New() 

          End Sub
Private Sub axWindowsMediaPlayer1_CdromMediaChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_CdromMediaChangeEvent) 
            axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentPlaylist = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.cdromCollection.Item(e.cdromNum).Playlist 
            'this.textBox1.Text = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Name"); 
                      Me.textBox1.Text = ("Name: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Name")) + Environment.NewLine 
             Me.textBox1.Text += ("author: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("author")) + Environment.NewLine 
            Me.textBox1.Text += ("Title: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Title")) + Environment.NewLine 
            Me.textBox1.Text += ("Album: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Album")) + Environment.NewLine
           Me.textBox1.Text += ("copyright: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("copyright")) + Environment.NewLine 
             Me.textBox1.Text += ("Artist: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Artist")) + Environment.NewLine 
         Me.textBox1.Text += ("Genre: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Genre")) + Environment.NewLine 
            Me.textBox1.Text += ("Bitrate: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Bitrate")) + Environment.NewLine 
             Me.textBox1.Text += ("Abstract: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Abstract")) + Environment.NewLine 
            Me.textBox1.Text += ("bitRate: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("bitRate")) + Environment.NewLine 
         Me.textBox1.Text += ("duration: " & axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.getItemInfo("duration")) + Environment.NewLine 
     End Sub
End Class 
End Namespace