Roetje 0 Newbie Poster

Hello guys,

the last few days i've been looking for the solution, but to bad. Nowhere i seem to find it. I've found many posts about it, but none of them works for me. The problem:

Last week we've stepped over to windows server 2008. Very nice..bla bla bla. However, now I can't create any excel application anymore. Well, the process get's created, but doens't do anything.
The strange part is: when i remote login to the server (2008), it does work, so i thought it was something with the rights. But when i open everything for com+, excel(launching users, etc. etc.), it still doesn't work. What is the differance when i am logged in (random user is fine), and when i am not logged in?

the code:

            Dim exApplication As Excel.ApplicationClass = Nothing
            Dim exBooks As Excel.Workbooks = Nothing
            Dim exBook As Excel.Workbook = Nothing
            Dim exSheets As Excel.Sheets = Nothing
            Dim exSheet As Excel.Worksheet = Nothing
            Dim exRange As Excel.Range = Nothing

                ToolboxTracing.LogInfo("Excel object aanmaken.")
                exApplication = New Excel.Application 'CType(CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application) ' 
                exBooks = exApplication.Workbooks
                ToolboxTracing.LogInfo("Workbooks toegevoegd.")
                exBook = exBooks.Open(xlsFileName, False, True)
                exSheets = exBook.Worksheets
                exSheet = CType(exSheets.Item(sheetUuf), Excel.Worksheet) 'CType(exSheets.Item(sheetData), Excel.Worksheet)

note: creating an oulook application works perfect!

Dim olApplication As Outlook.Application = Nothing
            Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem = Nothing
            Dim olAttachments As Outlook.Attachments = Nothing

                'XML Importeren.
                ToolboxTracing.LogInfo("aaanmaken outlook.application")
                olApplication = New Outlook.ApplicationClass 'CType(CreateObject("Outlook.Application"), Outlook.Application) '
                ToolboxTracing.LogInfo("Outlook aangemaakt.")
                olItem = CType(olApplication.CreateItemFromTemplate(msgFileName), Outlook.MailItem)
                olAttachments = olItem.Attachments
                ToolboxTracing.LogInfo("Items aangemaakt.")
                For iAttachment As Integer = 1 To olAttachments.Count '1-Based.
                    Dim olAttachment As Outlook.Attachment = olAttachments(iAttachment)


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