Sarah-perkins 0 Newbie Poster

Can you help me modify this program so that it contains loops within loops somewhere. I have a while loop but that is only one. To pass my task my program MUST contain Loops Within Loops somewhere. Thank you.

import javax.swing.*;

class team
     public static void main (String[] param)

    } // END main

/* *********************************

A method that asks to insult you 
    public static void insultme() 

        // Declare variables
        String textinput; // whatever the person types 
        int number1; // goals scored
        int number2; // goals scored
        String Team1 = "";
        String Team2 = "";

        // Get some text (a string) from the user then
        // convert (known as parsing) it into a number version

        while (!Team1.equals("quit")) 
           Team1 = TeamName();

            if (Team1.equals("quit")) 

          textinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Score of Team?");
          number1 = Integer.parseInt(textinput);

          Team2 = TeamName();

          textinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Score of Team?");
          number2 = Integer.parseInt(textinput);

          //test score here:
          testScore(Team1, Team2, number1, number2);
		} //end while


    }//end method

* Method to check score and either ask for re-entry if invalid or print result.

    public static void testScore(String Team1, String Team2, int number1, int number2)
        if(number1 < number2) 
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, Team2 + " won " + number2 + "-" + number1 + " against " + Team1);
 		else if (number2 < number1)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, Team1 + " won " + number1 + "-" + number2 + " against " + Team2);
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "This score is wrong, please enter a correct score");

         String textinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Score of Team 1 again");
         number1 = Integer.parseInt(textinput);
         textinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Score of Team 2 again");
         number2 = Integer.parseInt(textinput);

		 testScore(Team1, Team2, number1, number2); // call method if re-entry


    } //end method

/* *********************************

    public static String TeamName()

     return JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Team Name?"); 

} // END class team