suman holani 0 Newbie Poster

Hi ,
I am writting an c++ boost shared memory application.
The string/char class works fine . But the allocation to int phases some problem.

It works fine for a while bt suddenly shared memory crashes. Unable to access it.
here is a small snippet.

we have to create a shared memory. it ll contain a map (int as key , int vector as value)

typedef managed_shared_memory::segment_manager SegmentManager;
typedef int KeyType;

//int type vector in share Memory
typedef allocator<int,SegmentManager> IntAllocator;
typedef boost::interprocess::vector<int ,IntAllocator> MyShmIntVector;

//For Map

//Map of type <int , vector<int> >
typedef std::pair<const int,MyShmIntVector>IntValueType;
typedef allocator<IntValueType,managed_shared_memory::segment_manager>ShmIntAllocator;
typedef map<KeyType,MyShmIntVector,std::less<KeyType>, ShmIntAllocator> MapCountIntData;

//Iterators For int vector and Map(Int Type)
MapCountIntData::iterator intmapit;
MyShmIntVector::iterator intvecit;

and the functions to create it is lik..


managed_shared_memory shm(create_only ,name,size); //segment size in bytes

//Checking for Index Value 0,1 or 2
ShmIntAllocator intalloc(shm.get_segment_manager());

MyShmIntVector *myintvector1 = shm.construct<MyShmIntVector>("MyShmIntVector")(intalloc);

//ShmIntAllocator alloc_inst(shm.get_segment_manager());
ShmIntAllocator alloc_inst(shm.get_segment_manager());

MapCountIntData *mymap = shm.construct<MapCountIntData>("MapCountIntData")(std::less<KeyType>(),alloc_inst);


//Intializing vector with 0;
for (int veccnt=0; veccnt<3; veccnt++)


do u find nething mising regarding to allocation

thanks for help,