skwatamkar -4 Newbie Poster

here is the code for displaying the content of the database if a run the file 'java listall' then it will work well but when i try to run the code
from the main class with the help of JButton list as
if(ae.getSource() == list)
System.out.println("list working");
new listall();
but no table is shown what is code is needed so i will display this table with the help of button.
here is the code

import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class listall extends JPanel
	protected String[] columnToolTips = {"The person's Record id", 
	"The person's First Name", .... };
	public listall() 
        super(new GridLayout(1,0));
        JTable table = new JTable(new MyTableModel()) {
	//Implement table cell tool tips.
            public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e)
                String tip = null;
                java.awt.Point p = e.getPoint();
                int rowIndex = rowAtPoint(p);
                int colIndex = columnAtPoint(p);
                int realColumnIndex = convertColumnIndexToModel(colIndex);

                if (realColumnIndex == 0) 
                    tip = "This person's Record no. in the database is : "
                           + getValueAt(rowIndex, colIndex);
                else if (realColumnIndex == 1) 
                    tip = "This person's First Nane is : "
                           + getValueAt(rowIndex, colIndex);
                else if (realColumnIndex == 2) 
                    tip = "This person's Last Name is : "
                           + getValueAt(rowIndex, colIndex);
                else if (realColumnIndex == 30) 
                    tip = "Other Notes : "
                           + getValueAt(rowIndex, colIndex);
                    tip = super.getToolTipText(e);
                return tip;

            //Implement table header tool tips. 
            protected JTableHeader createDefaultTableHeader()
                return new JTableHeader(columnModel) 
                    public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e)
                        String tip = null;
                        java.awt.Point p = e.getPoint();
                        int index = columnModel.getColumnIndexAtX(p.x);
                        int realIndex = columnModel.getColumn(index).getModelIndex();
                        return columnToolTips[realIndex];
        table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(800, 600));
        //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);

        //Add the scroll pane to this panel.
	class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel 
		Connection con;
		PreparedStatement pst;
		ResultSet rs,rs1;
		ResultSetMetaData rsm;
		Object[][] data;
        private String[] columnNames = {	"Record id",... };
			pst = con.prepareStatement("select count(*) from person");
			rs1 = pst.executeQuery();;
			int rc = Integer.parseInt(rs1.getString(1));
			pst = con.prepareStatement("select * from person");
			rs = pst.executeQuery();
			rsm = rs.getMetaData();
			int cc= rsm.getColumnCount();
			String[] col = new String[cc];
			for(int i=0;i<cc;i++)
			data = new Object[rc][cc];
			int cnt=0;
				for(int i=0;i<cc;i++)
					data[cnt][i] = rs.getString(i+1);		
		}catch(Exception e){}

        public int getColumnCount()
            return columnNames.length;

        public int getRowCount()
            return data.length;

        public String getColumnName(int col)
            return columnNames[col];

        public Object getValueAt(int row, int col)
            return data[row][col];

        public Class getColumnClass(int c)
            return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
	private static void createAndShowGUI() 
        //Create and set up the window.
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("listall");

        //Create and set up the content pane.
        JComponent newContentPane = new listall();
        newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque

        //Display the window.

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
        //creating and showing this application's GUI.
        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

thanx in advance.
Have a good day!

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