ITGuy2010 0 Newbie Poster

If I wanted to pass the two arrays below into a function and multiply them and return the two dimensional array how would I go about doing that? If anyone can give me an example I'll go with that. Thanks!

Public Class frmTotalDailySales
    Dim ItemCost() As Decimal = {12D, 17.95D, 95D, 86.5D, 78D}
    Dim SoldItems(,) As Integer

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Dim strItemsSold As String = ""

            SoldItems = New Integer(,) {{CInt(txtS1I1.Text), CInt(txtS1I2.Text), CInt(txtS1I3.Text), CInt(txtS1I4.Text), CInt(txtS1I5.Text)}, _
                                    {CInt(txtS2I1.Text), CInt(txtS2I2.Text), CInt(txtS2I3.Text), CInt(txtS2I4.Text), CInt(txtS2I5.Text)}, _
                                    {CInt(txtS3I1.Text), CInt(txtS3I2.Text), CInt(txtS3I3.Text), CInt(txtS3I4.Text), CInt(txtS3I5.Text)}}

            For r As Integer = 0 To SoldItems.GetUpperBound(0)
                For c As Integer = 0 To SoldItems.GetUpperBound(1)
                    SoldItems(r, c) = CInt(SoldItems(r, c) * ItemCost(c))
                    strItemsSold &= FormatCurrency(SoldItems(r, c), 2) & vbTab

                strItemsSold &= vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("textboxes must contain valid integers")
        End Try

        MessageBox.Show(strItemsSold, "Daily Sales Revenue")
 End Sub
End Class
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