ineale 0 Newbie Poster

I have a program that will use the following code to draw the nodes i need (ellipses), but it won't draw the paths(lines). The only thing i could think of is that it might not be calling properly through two classes.

protected override void  OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
            DrawingGroup dGroup = new DrawingGroup();
            using (DrawingContext dc = dGroup.Open())
                foreach (PathNode path_node in m_AllNodes)
                foreach (PathNode path_node in m_AllNodes)
            DrawingImage dImageSource = new DrawingImage(dGroup);
            theImage.Source = dImageSource;

the next two blocks are the functions to draw the node and the link that are found in the PathNode class:

public void DrawNode(DrawingContext dc)
               dc.DrawEllipse(EllipseBrush, EllipsePen, point, NODE_RADIUS, NODE_RADIUS);
public void DrawLinks(DrawingContext dc)
            foreach (PathLink path_link in Links)

and then the function to draw the link in class PathLink

public void DrawLink(DrawingContext dc)
            dc.DrawLine(LinkPen, lsp, lep);


the two pens are properly defined, but I just realized that the ellipse pen isn't showing up either, only the brush, so it isn't drawing the pens. Any idea why it wouldn't draw the pen?

i have tested it defining a new pen within the DrawLine call as well.

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