I have a listview with multiable items. All items have the following columns saleman, company, part, qty, price. Now I'ming pulling each items from a combobox and calculate price. I would like to get any/all items that have been adding more than once, which happens because some part have been combind as one part #, but is still listed as old numbers.
Here is a copy of the code I have started.
Private Sub Sum_Amt_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Sum_Amt.Click
Dim str(3) As String
Dim comsum As Double
Dim compct As Double
Dim rc As Integer = Me.CA_View.Items.Count
Dim ii, i As Integer
Dim strItem As String = (Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(4).Text)
listitem = New ListViewItem
For i = 0 To rc - 1
comsum += (Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(1).Text)
compct += (Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(2).Text)
str(0) = Me.CB_Job1.Text
str(1) = Me.RepNo1.Text
str(2) = comsum
str(3) = compct
ListView11.Visible = True
Next 'i
listitem = New ListViewItem(str)
If rc <> 0 Then
i = 0
Do 'For i = 0 To rc - 1
comsum = 0
compct = 0
ListView11.Visible = True
ii = 1
If Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(4).Text = ListView11.Items(ii).SubItems.Item(1).Text Then
comsum += CDbl((Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(1).Text))
compct += CDbl((Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(2).Text))
str(0) = Me.CB_Job1.Text
str(1) = Me.RepNo1.Text
str(2) = comsum
str(3) = compct
ListView11.Visible = True
End If
If Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(4).Text <> ListView11.Items(ii).SubItems.Item(1).Text Then
comsum += CDbl((Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(1).Text))
compct += CDbl((Me.CA_View.Items.Item(i).SubItems.Item(2).Text))
str(0) = Me.CB_Job1.Text
str(1) = Me.RepNo1.Text
str(2) = comsum
str(3) = compct
ListView11.Visible = True
End If
ii += 1
Loop Until ii = Me.CA_View.Items.Count
i += 1
Loop Until i = Me.CA_View.Items.Count
End If
listitem = New ListViewItem(str)
End Sub