Fazle 0 Newbie Poster

I am being tasked to record TCP data and play them back with same speed.

I am able to record tcp data but struglling to playback with same speed. If someone can help will be greatly appreciated.

My codes below are reading TCP data and writing them in minute files under recording directory as follows:


Here is my snipped of recording.

package WSI;
import java.net.*;  // for Socket
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import java.io.*;   // for IOException and [File]Input/OutputStream

/*import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;*/

public class WSIGraphicRecord  {

 //private String file;

 public static final int BUFSIZE = 1024;  // Size of read buffer
 //byte[] fileBArray = new byte[(int)file.length()];


  private static final long MAX_RECORD_DURATION = 60*1000L;   
  private long startTime = 0;
 // private long stopTime = 0;
  private boolean running = false;

  public void start() {

 /* public void stop() {
      this.stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
	  WSIGraphicRecord rc = new WSIGraphicRecord();	 

    if (args.length != 3)  // Test for correct # of args
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter(s): <Server> <Port>");

    String server = args[0];               // Server name or IP address
    int port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);  // Server port
   // String filename = "WSI";             // File to read data from
    int file_counter = 1;
    long timeToFinish;
    String dirName = args[2];
    // Open input and output file (named input.gz)
   // FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(filename);
    //FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename + "-" + file_counter + ".ws");
   SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
   String formattedDate = formatter.format(new Date());
    FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream( dirName+File.separator+formattedDate+".ws");
    // Create socket connected to server on specified port
    Socket sock = new Socket(server, port);

    // Receive compressed byte stream from server
    InputStream sockIn = sock.getInputStream();
    int bytesRead; // Number of bytes read 

 byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFSIZE];  // Byte buffer
  timeToFinish = MAX_RECORD_DURATION + rc.startTime ;
 while ((bytesRead = sockIn.read(buffer)) != -1) {
	 fileOut.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
	// System.out.println(BytesUtils.getPrettyPrint(buffer));
	 System.out.print("R");   // Recording progress indicator
	 if ( System.currentTimeMillis() >= timeToFinish ){
		 System.out.println("Time to make new file.....");
		 //fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename+"-"+file_counter + ".ws");
		 formattedDate = formatter.format(new Date());
		 fileOut = new FileOutputStream(dirName+ File.separator+formattedDate+".ws");
		  *  add timestamp
		 timeToFinish = MAX_RECORD_DURATION + rc.startTime ;
    System.out.println();      // End progress indicator line

    sock.close();     // Close the socket and its streams
  //  fileIn.close();   // Close file streams

 * @param startTime the startTime to set
public void setStartTime(long startTime) {
	this.startTime = startTime;

 * @return the startTime
public long getStartTime() {
	return startTime;

 * @param running the running to set
public void setRunning(boolean running) {
	this.running = running;

 * @return the running
public boolean isRunning() {
	return running;

public void addFlag(FileOutputStream fileOut) throws IOException {
	String delimiter = "**********";
	SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
    String formattedDate = formatter.format(new Date());
