tariqi 0 Newbie Poster


Am currently creating an interactive dating sms service using vb.net.but when i get to the point for user to find requested matching records,am only able to get the first 3 records. i want it to be able to move to the next 3 and the following 3 and so forth until end of requested records each time the user sends 'next'.am using a 'do loop while' and a datareader but its not working how i want,below is the code:

 ElseIf TextSend.Text.Contains("next") Or TextSend.Text.Contains("NEXT") Or TextSend.Text.Contains("Next") Then
            If TextFrom.Text = "" Or TextTo.Text = "" Then
                MsgBox("Please make sure you have entered in all the required fields", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
                str4 = str6
                strArray4 = str4.Split("#")
                town = strArray4(2)
                str5 = strArray4(1)
                strArray5 = str5.Split("-")
                age1 = Convert.ToInt32(strArray5(0))
                age2 = Convert.ToInt32(strArray5(1))

                myCmd1 = New SqlCommand("select top 3 * from (select row_number() over(order by Tel) as RowNumber,Tel,Name,Age,Sex,Town,Description from members) as myResults where RowNumber>'" & counter & "' and Sex='f' and  Town ='" & town & "' and  Age >= '" & age1 & "' and Age <= '" & age2 & "'", myCon)
                myCmd2 = New SqlCommand("select count Tel,Name,Age,Description from members where Sex='f' and  Town ='" & town & "' and  Age >= '" & age1 & "' and Age <= '" & age2 & "'", myCon)
                totalrows = CInt(myCmd1.ExecuteScalar())
                less = totalrows - 3
                counter = counter + 3

                               dr = myCmd1.ExecuteReader

                    While dr.Read
                        dis1 = (dr(1).ToString())
                        dis2 = (dr(2).ToString())
                        dis3 = (dr(3).ToString())
                        dis4 = (dr(5).ToString())
                        disall += dis2 & " aged " & dis3 & " " & dis1 & ","
                    End While

                    While dr.Read
                        dis1 = (dr(1).ToString())
                        dis2 = (dr(2).ToString())
                        dis3 = (dr(3).ToString())
                        dis4 = (dr(5).ToString())
                        disall += dis2 & " aged " & dis3 & " " & dis1 & ","
                    End While

                    While dr.Read
                        dis1 = (dr(1).ToString())
                        dis2 = (dr(2).ToString())
                        dis3 = (dr(3).ToString())
                        dis4 = (dr(5).ToString())
                        disall += dis2 & " aged " & dis3 & " " & dis1 & ","
                    End While

                    ' TextSend.Text = disall & ". Send next to 5001 to receive detailsof the remaining " & less & " ladies"
                Loop While dr.NextResult()
                TextSend.Text = disall & ". Send NEXT to 5001 to receive details of the remaining " & less & " ladies"
                count = count - 3
            End If 

any assistance will be highly appreciated.

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