rebellion346 0 Light Poster

Hey guys, wasn't sure where to post this but i posted it in both categories. Converting the for loop is probably the most confusing for me especially the arrays. Hope you guys can help me out, thanks.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()	
	int Function[10][2] = {0};
	int Onto_Array[5] = {0};
	int Elements = 0;

	bool Valid = true, One_to_One = true, On_To = true;
	bool Bijective = true;
	cout << "Enter number of ordered pairs" << endl;
	cin >> Elements;
	for (int i = 0; i < Elements; i++)
			cout<< "Enter ordered pair" << endl;
			cin >> Function[i][0];
			cin >> Function[i][1];
