lecofr 0 Newbie Poster

I am new at VB2008.net. I am trying to convert a program that I wrote in 2003.net for a dot.net class to now utilize OOP. The program basically computes the moment at increments along the length of the beam (1ft.) and the incremental total moment from the sum of several different loads on a structural beam and plots a graph of incremental moments of each and the graph of the total moment.
I have some basic understanding, this is all self taught from the various books available, but I would appreciate some guidance on how to create the necessary objects.
So to start.
1. Object “BEAM”
A. Length – Variable
B. Other variables do not affect the calculations
2. Object – “BEAMTYPE”
A. There are basically 36 different supports that define future calculations on a specific beam type. Indentifying the variable “BmTyp” (SB ’Simple Beam’; SBFBE ‘Simple Beam fixed Both Ends’, Etc) will be combined with the Load Type (LdTyp ,CL ‘Concentrated Load’; ULPD ‘Uniform Load Partially Distributed’, etc –nominally 10 different load possibilities) to create a variable that defines the Object that will carry the code for that moment calculation( ie, SBCL – Simple Beam Concentrated Load)
Now I get to the area where I am confused as to how to handle the Objects.
For practical purposes I have limited the Number of possible loads (NoLds) to four, with each load being any one of the ‘LdTyp’ variables.
So do I create an Object – “LOAD” and write a program that include the various possible combinations of the variables (BmTyp+LdTyp) PLUS keeping track of the ‘LdNo’ and the calculated incremental moments data in multi-element array to be finally used to plot the graphs?
Create four Objects – “LOAD1”, “LOAD2” ,”LOAD3”,”LOAD4” and keep separate variable identifies for the common type input variables (‘P1=val(tbInPutLoad.Text’; “LOAD1” – Ld1P1 = P1;etc)
Each of the “LOADx” would inherit ‘BEAM(variables) + BEAMTYP(variables) and input data of; ‘LdTyp’, ‘NoLds’, Appropriate Load values (P1), Load distances (Ax1),etc.
An Object (“SBCLCALC” for example) for each of the (BmTyp+LdTyp) combinations would carry the calculations unique for that combinations.
An Object (“PLOT”) Would plot the graphs to a BitMat plot.
I want to be able to print the graphs , if practical, - an additional challage after I solve the basic program.
Any and all advice, critique or criticism is welcome.