cocoll 0 Junior Poster in Training

since i am new at jxta,i search and search at the internet so i found lots information about jxta,but it's just information nothing for help me to run a jxta program,so i have this code:

import net.jxta.platform.NetworkManager ;
 import java.text.MessageFormat ;
 import net.jxta.impl.*;
 import net.jxta.impl.peergroup.Boot;
 /* *
 * A example of starting and stopping JXTA
 public class HelloWorld {
 /* *
 * Main method
 * @param args none defined
 public static void main ( String args [ ] ) {
 NetworkManager manager = null ;
 try {
 manager = new NetworkManager(NetworkManager.ConfigMode.EDGE ,"HelloWorld" ) ;
 System.out.println ( " Starting JXTA" ) ;
 manager.startNetwork() ;
 System.out.println ( " JXTA Started " ) ;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 //e.printStackTrace () ;
 System . out . println ( "Waiting for a rendezvous connection " ) ;
 boolean connected = manager . waitForRendezvousConnection ( 12000 ) ;
 System.out.println ( MessageFormat . format ( " Connected : {0} " , connected ) ) ;
 System.out.println ( " Stopping JXTA" ) ;
 manager.stopNetwork ( ) ;

and it isn't working,because with this or other program using " manager.startNetwork() ;" i have exceptions,so i don't know what i am missing.
the external libraries i use are:jxta,jxtacms,jxtacmsshell,sxtanetmap,myjxta,shell,org.morthbay.jetty,bcprov-jdk14,javax.servlet all of them .jar.
and i have netbeans and myeclipse SDK.
thank you very mush!

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