lxXTaCoXxl 26 Posting Whiz in Training

Okay I finally figured this out... Thanks to getting curious and creating an encryption key for my application. It took me a second to understand it but here is the result. Make sure you declare your variables in the settings tab of the properties to your application.

void Form1_Load()
      EncryptionKeys.Properties.Settings myEncryption = new EncryptionKeys.Properties.Settings();
      MessageBox.Show("Please submit an encryption key to store..." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Stored Key: " + myEncryption.mainKey, "Trial Expired...");

    void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      string encryptionResult;
      encryptionResult = key1.Text + "-" + key2.Text + "-" + key3.Text + "-" + key4.Text;

      EncryptionKeys.Properties.Settings myEncryption = new EncryptionKeys.Properties.Settings();


      myEncryption.mainKey = encryptionResult;

      MessageBox.Show("Key saved. You may now restart the program.");

So basically this isn't much, it uses 4 text boxes for the encryption key input. Then it will print whatever you store in them in a message box on the app restart. :D