g-pita 0 Newbie Poster


I'm trying to create a program that gathers data from some ADC connected and do some averaging on the data.

It's build up around classes containing systeminterface and sensors making a datamodel.

The program is pretty big, but has worked intil implemention of pthreads

I wanted to create a thread maintaining the sensors an averaging a couple of samples.
I ran into the problem about callback, and classes, googled and found a workaround :)

But i'm getting this linker error and I cannot figure out where.

h2SystemInterface.o: In function `H2SystemInterface::H2SystemInterface()':
h2SystemInterface.cpp:(.text+0x665): undefined reference to `H2SystemInterface::threadCaller(void*)'
h2SystemInterface.cpp:(.text+0x66c): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
h2SystemInterface.o: In function `H2SystemInterface::H2SystemInterface()':
h2SystemInterface.cpp:(.text+0x7f5): undefined reference to `H2SystemInterface::threadCaller(void*)'
h2SystemInterface.cpp:(.text+0x7fc): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [h2] Error 1


class H2SystemInterface

//removed to strip it down
	double avgDataCurrentSensor[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS];
	double avgDataVoltageSensor[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS];
	double avgDataFlowSensor[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS];
	int latestCurrentData[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS];
	int latestVoltageData[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS];
	int latestFlowData[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS];
	static void *threadCaller(void * ptr); //needed to avoid callback issues

	int startProduction(int prodId);
	int stopProduction(int prodId);
	int getSensorData(int sensorId, int &data);
	int createDbRelayIf(const char *serverIp, int port);
	void removeDbRelayIf();
	void calcSensorData();


	electrolyzer = new ProductionSystem(ELECTROLYZER_ID);
	fuelcell     = new ProductionSystem(FUEL_CELL_ID);

	//instantiates all Sensors to NULL
	for(int i = 0;i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS;i++)
		currentSensorList[i] = NULL;
		voltageSensorList[i] = NULL;
		flowSensorList[i] = NULL;
	currentSensorList[CURRENT_IN_SENSOR_ID] = new CurrentSensor(CURRENT_IN_SENSOR_ID);
	currentSensorList[CURRENT_OUT_SENSOR_ID] = new CurrentSensor(CURRENT_OUT_SENSOR_ID);
	voltageSensorList[VOLTAGE_IN_SENSOR_ID] = new VoltageSensor(VOLTAGE_IN_SENSOR_ID);
	voltageSensorList[VOLTAGE_OUT_SENSOR_ID] = new VoltageSensor(VOLTAGE_OUT_SENSOR_ID);
	flowSensorList[FLOW_IN_SENSOR_ID] = new FlowSensor(FLOW_IN_SENSOR_ID);
	flowSensorList[FLOW_OUT_SENSOR_ID] = new FlowSensor(FLOW_OUT_SENSOR_ID);
	pthread_t AVG;
    pthread_create(&AVG, NULL, &H2SystemInterface::threadCaller, this);
 * Function to work around callback.
 void *threadCaller(void *ptr)
	H2SystemInterface *new_object = (H2SystemInterface *)ptr;
	return NULL;

 * Private function to gather sensordata.
 * Never returns anything

void H2SystemInterface::calcSensorData()
	int numberOfFetchings = 0;
	int result; //stores the lastest errorcode
	int i = 0;
	//Fetch data from sensors
	for(int sensorId=0; i <=MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS; i++)
		if (currentSensorList[sensorId])
			result = currentSensorList[sensorId]->getSensorData(sensorId, latestCurrentData[sensorId]);
			//avgDataCurrentSensorList[sensorId] = (int)(data * SCALE_CURRENT);
		else if (voltageSensorList[sensorId])
			 result = voltageSensorList[sensorId]->getSensorData(sensorId, latestVoltageData[sensorId]);
		else if (flowSensorList[sensorId])
			result = flowSensorList[sensorId]->getSensorData(sensorId, latestFlowData[sensorId]);
	//put data into average array

	for(int sensorId=0; i <=MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS; i++)
			if (currentSensorList[sensorId])
			 currentData[sensorId][i] = latestCurrentData[sensorId];
		else if (voltageSensorList[sensorId])
			 voltageData[sensorId][i] = latestVoltageData[sensorId];
		else if (flowSensorList[sensorId])
			flowData[sensorId][i] = latestFlowData[sensorId];
		if (numberOfFetchings < SAMPLES)
	//sets the next number in the "wheel buffer"
	if (i == 9)
		i = 0;
	//calculate the average
	if (numberOfFetchings == SAMPLES) // only if SAMPLES number of samples has been collected we do something
		for(int sensorId=0; i <=MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS; i++)
		int temp;
			if (currentSensorList[sensorId])
				temp = 0;
				for(int ii=0;ii < SAMPLES; ii++)
					temp =+ currentData[sensorId][ii];
				avgDataCurrentSensor[sensorId] = temp / SAMPLES;
			if (voltageSensorList[sensorId])
				temp = 0;
				for(int ii=0;ii < SAMPLES; ii++)
					temp =+ voltageData[sensorId][ii];
				avgDataVoltageSensor[sensorId] = temp / SAMPLES;	
			if (flowSensorList[sensorId])
				temp = 0;
				for(int ii=0;ii < SAMPLES; ii++)
					temp =+ flowData[sensorId][ii];
				avgDataFlowSensor[sensorId] = temp / SAMPLES;
 * Public function to a retrieve sensordata.
 * @param  sensorId    : Id of the sensor.
 * Returns sensordata from the sensor
 * @retval result       : The data held by the sensor, 0 if nonsuccess

int H2SystemInterface::getSensorData(int sensorId, int &data)
	int result = -FAILURE;
	char buf[10];

	if (sensorId >= MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS)
		//returns here else you'll try to read out of memory when testing
		return -UNKNOWN_ID;
	if (currentSensorList[sensorId])
		//test start
		//result = currentSensorList[sensorId]->getSensorData(sensorId, data);
		data = int (avgDataCurrentSensor[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SENSORS]);
		result = SUCCESS;
		//test slut
		data = (int)(data * SCALE_CURRENT);
	else if (voltageSensorList[sensorId])
		result = voltageSensorList[sensorId]->getSensorData(sensorId, data);
		data = (int)(data * SCALE_VOLTAGE);
	else if (flowSensorList[sensorId])
		result  = flowSensorList[sensorId]->getSensorData(sensorId, data);
		data = (int)(data * SCALE_FLOW);
		//sensor didn't exist return
		result = -UNKNOWN_ID;
	// Check if data should also be sent to database relay server.
	if (dbRelayIfCreated)
		printf("Sending packet: %d %d\n", sensorId, data);
		sprintf(buf, "%d %d\n", sensorId, data);
		if (sendto(sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&dbRelayAddress, sizeof(dbRelayAddress)) == -1)
			// The provided errno will be interpretted and appended.
			return -SEND_FAILED;
	return result;