Swoop_GB 6 Newbie Poster

The project I'm working on has a bit of code in the workbook open event that makes excel go full screen, hide any toolbars that a user has configured to run in fullscreen (and make a note so they can be restored on exit) and loads a custom toolbar.

Application.DisplayFullScreen = True
Dim MyBar As CommandBar
Dim MyPopup As CommandBarPopup
Dim MyButton As CommandBarButton

On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0

Set MyBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:="MAPS", Position:=msoBarTop, temporary:=True)
With MyBar
     Set MyButton = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
     With MyButton
          .Caption = "Exit" 
          .Style = msoButtonCaption
          .OnAction = "Exit"   
     End With
     .Visible = True
End With

Dim cb As CommandBar
Dim cblog As Integer
Dim cbcol As Integer
Dim cbname As String

cblog = 1
cbcol = 6

For Each cb In Application.CommandBars

cbname = cb.Name
If cbname = "MAPS" Then GoTo 100
If cbname = "Worksheet Menu Bar" Then GoTo 100
If cblog = 15 Then
    cblog = 1
    cbcol = cbcol + 1
End If

If Application.CommandBars(cbname).Visible = True Then
    Cells(cblog, cbcol).Value = cb.Name
    Application.CommandBars(cbname).Visible = False
    cblog = cblog + 1
End If
Next cb

Set cb = Nothing

Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlNoIndicator

This works perfectly in excel 2003. However, in excel 2007 going full screen still leaves the windows control buttons at the top right of the window and no custom toolbar appears.

Two questions:

a) how do I make the code create a custom toolbar in excel 2007 and still be compatible with 2003?

b) Is there a way to remove the windows controls from a fullscreened excel 2007 like 2003 is?