Ahmed2 0 Newbie Poster

hello there,

I'm trying to sort a list according to the "length" paramter in ascending order, which represents the third coloumn.
List elements are read from a csv file contains 9 coloumns, I only push 6 coloumns in "futurelist" which is the information i'm intersted in.

//input csv data

1031	17:11	574.1025391	MB	1050	17:30	19	0	0
1326	22:06	536.0175781	MB	1343	22:23	17	0	0
2721	45:21:00	608.1279297	MB	2741	45:41:00	20	0	0
32	0:32	575.8115234	MB	51	0:51	19	0	0
1161	19:21	652.6259766	MB	1182	19:42	21	0	0

contents of the list before sorting

1031	574.1025391	1050	19	0	0
1326	536.0175781	1343	17	0	0
2721	608.1279297	2741	20	0	0
32	575.8115234	51	19	0	0
1161	652.6259766	1182	21	0	0

What I want

1326	536.0175781	1343	17	0	0
1031	574.1025391	1050	19	0	0
32	575.8115234	51	19	0	0
2721	608.1279297	2741	20	0	0
1161	652.6259766	1182	21	0	0

Any body can help me on this, because my code doesn't seem to work. this is my code.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

class FileInfo
    int submissiontime;
    float length;   //sort elements according to it
    int finishtime;
    int remainingtime;
    int actualfinishtime;
    int delay;

// create list

//read from excel file
void FileInput()
ifstream file ("DownloadList_test.csv"); // declare file stream
string value1;
string value2;
string value3;
string value4;
string value5;
string value6;
string value7;
string value8;
string value9;
//int count=0;
//static double sum=0;
//float length;

for (int t=0;t<5;t++) //read five lines only from the csv file
 if (file.good())
     getline(file,value1, ','); // read a string until next comma
     getline(file,value2, ',');
     getline(file,value3, ',');
     getline(file,value4, ',');
     getline(file,value5, ',');
     getline(file,value6, ',');
     getline(file,value7, ',');
     getline(file,value8, ',');

//push values in memory & in future list
FileInfo* fi = new FileInfo();
fi->submissiontime = atoi(value1.c_str());
fi->length= atof(value3.c_str());
fi->finishtime= atoi(value5.c_str());
fi->remainingtime= atoi(value7.c_str());
fi->actualfinishtime= atoi(value8.c_str());
fi->delay= atoi(value9.c_str());



int main()

FileInput(); //read csv file
// display contents of future list
cout << "Contents of finished list: ";

list<FileInfo*>::iterator p = futurelist.begin();
while(p != futurelist.end()) {
  cout << (*p)->submissiontime << " ";
  cout << (*p)->length << " ";
  cout << (*p)->finishtime << " ";
  cout << (*p)->remainingtime << " ";
  cout <<(*p)->actualfinishtime<< " ";
  cout <<(*p)->delay<< " ";
cout << "\n\n";

//---------sorting list---------
int temp, i, j, n;

for(n-1; (n>=1); n--){

    for (int index=0;index<n; index++){
    if(futurelist[index]>futurelist[index+1]) {
    swap(futurelist[index], futurelist[index+1] );

return 0;
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