Hi. I need help with the code for a fish race
The question I was given is as follows:
*You are asked to design a “Fish Race” game. Two fishes of different colors and shapes will race until one of them reaches the race’s end line. Your program should display a message at the end of the race showing which fish has won the race. To win the race, three fishes from the same type should reach the end line. When one of the fishes reaches the end line, another fish from the same type and color of the winning fish starts moving again towards the end line. Your program should display two counters at the top of the screen showing how many fishes have currently reached the end of line.
Note that each fish will be on a separate row (line) and each fish will move horizontally in random steps (each random step can only be between 1 and 4 steps).
My problem is that the fish aren't moving towards the finish line. Only the first fish moves and that too just one step.
Before one fish atleast was able to cross the finish line but then my VS crashed while I was making changes to the code and I can't figure out what I changed.
So below is the code. I hope somebody can help me please
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
headerRow BYTE 77 DUP ('-'), 0
Fishr BYTE "x=@",0
Fishy BYTE ">=>",0
Redfish BYTE "red = ",0
Yellowfish BYTE "yellow = ",0
countY DWORD 0
countR DWORD 0
main PROC
call Randomize
call RepeatDesign
;Displaying yellow fish
mov eax, 10011110b ;store the color in eax
call setTextcolor ;to make the foreground yellow and the background blue
xor edx, edx ; clearing edx
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 12
call Gotoxy
mov edx, OFFSET Fishy ;store the address of fishy in edx to display it
call WriteString ;display string
call Crlf
;Displaying red fish
xor edx, edx
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 15
mov ecx, edx ; copying position of red fish to ecx
push ecx ; storing position of red fish in stack
call Gotoxy
mov eax, 10010100b
call SetTextcolor ;to make the foreground red and the background blue
mov edx, OFFSET Fishr
call WriteString
call CRLF
;Moving fish
;Fish moves randomly 1 to 4 steps
;StepY => steps for moving yellow fish
mov eax, 1000
call Delay
call RepeatDesign
mov eax, 4
call RandomRange ;chooses a random number from 0 to 3
inc al ; in-case RandomRange returned 0 so that fish always moves at least 1 step
;compare the value in dl with 78
;if = or above bec. unsigned number then it means that the yellow fish reached the end line
;else move yellow fish
xor edx, edx
mov dl, bl
cmp dl, 4Eh
jae YDone
add dl, al
mov dh, 12
call Gotoxy
mov eax, 10011110b
call setTextcolor
mov ebx, edx ; store position of yellow fish in ebx
mov edx, OFFSET Fishy
call WriteString
pop ecx
mov edx, ecx ; restore position of red fish
push ecx
call GoToXY
mov eax, 10010100b
call SetTextcolor ;to make the foreground red and the background blue
mov edx, OFFSET Fishr
call WriteString
jmp StepR
mov eax, countY
inc eax
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 61
call GoToXY
call WriteInt
; check #of wins of yellow fish
; if yellow fish has won 3 times then game ends
; else yellow fish begins racing again
cmp countY, 3
je Done
mov eax, 10011110b
call setTextcolor
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 12
call GoToXY
mov edx, OFFSET Fishy
call WriteString
; StepR => steps for moving red fish
mov eax, 4
call RandomRange ;chooses a random number from 0 to 3
inc al ; in-case RandomRange returned 0 so that fish always moves at least 1 step
;compare the value in dl with 78
;if = or above bec. unsigned number then it means that the red fish reached the end line
;else move red fish
pop ecx
mov ecx, edx
cmp dl, 4Eh
jae RDone
add dl, al ; add the random number to the position of red fish so it can move that many steps
; mov dh, 15
call Gotoxy
mov ecx, edx ; store position of red fish in ecx
push ecx
mov eax, 10010100b
call setTextcolor
mov edx, OFFSET Fishr
call WriteString
mov edx, ebx ; restore position of yellow fish
call GoToXY
mov eax, 10011110b
call SetTextcolor ;to make the foreground yellow and the background blue
mov edx, OFFSET Fishy
call WriteString
jmp StepY
mov eax, countR
inc eax
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 16
call GoToXY
call WriteInt
; check #of wins of red fish
; if red fish has won 3 times then game ends
; else red fish begins racing again
cmp countR, 3
; je Done
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 16
call GoToXY
mov eax, 10010100b
call setTextcolor
mov edx, OFFSET Fishr
call WriteString
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 24
call GoToXY
mov ax, 10011111b
call setTextColor
main ENDP
RepeatDesign PROC
call Clrscr
; setting the bg to light blue
mov eax, 10011111b ;store the color in eax
call setTextcolor ;to make the background light blue
call Clrscr ;clear screen to make all the screen light blue
;displaying Redfish and countR in red and keeping bg color light blue
mov eax, 10010100b ;store the color in eax
call SetTextcolor ;to make the fore-ground red and the background blue
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 10
call GoToXY
mov edx, OFFSET Redfish ;store the address of Redfish in edx
call WriteString ;Display string
mov eax, countR
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 16
call GoToXY
call WriteInt
; displaying Yellowfish and countY in yellow and keeping bg light blue
mov eax, 10011110b ;store the color in eax
call setTextcolor ;to make the foreground yellow and the background blue
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 52
call GoToXY
mov edx, OFFSET Yellowfish ;store the address of the yellowfish variable in edx
call WriteString ;display string
mov eax, countY
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 61
call GoToXY
call WriteInt
call CRLF ;for a new line
;displaying the dashed horizontal line in green and keeping bg light blue
mov eax, lightgreen + (lightblue*16)
call SetTextColor
mov dh,1 ;store two in dh it means go to row third
mov dl,0 ;store zero in dl it means go to column 0
call Gotoxy ;locate cursor
mov edx, OFFSET headerRow
call WriteString
call CRLF
;displaying the dashed vertical line
mov dl,77 ;store 77 in dl it means go to column 77
mov dh,0 ;;store zero in dh it means go to row 0
call Gotoxy ;locate cursor
mov al, '|'
call WriteChar ;display character
mov ecx, 24 ;the loop will start from row 0 until row 24
Label2: ;second label
inc dh ;increment dh registor (increment the row)
mov dl,77 ;store 77 in dl (column will stay the same)
call Gotoxy ;locate cursor
mov al, '|'
call WriteChar ;display character
LOOP Label2 ;the loop ends
call crlf
;displaying END spelled vertically
mov dl, 78 ;store 78 in dl registor go to column number 78
mov dh, 11 ;store 12 in dh registor go to row number 11
call Gotoxy ;locate cursor
mov al, 'E' ;store the E character in al to display it
call WriteChar ;display character
mov dl, 78
mov dh, 13
call Gotoxy ;locate cursor
mov al, 'N'
call WriteChar ;display character
mov dl, 78
mov dh, 15
call Gotoxy
mov al, 'D'
call WriteChar
call Crlf ;new line
RepeatDesign ENDP
END main
Also, I've attached my current output window. Again, somebody please help!