Carc369 0 Newbie Poster

Basically my assignment is create the best Boggle board. Basically so far I've successfully created a randomly generated board, read in the dictionary, allocated dynamic memory for the dictionary, counted the frequency of each letter (for example 'a' has x amount of characters in the dictionary), and found the percentage of the frequency for each letter. Now I have to implement that frequency percentage into my boggle board... and that is where I am totally stuck. Can someone please tell me how to go about it.

Thank you!

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

int FrequencyCount[26];        // Counts frequency of characters
float FrequencyPercentage[26];
const int Size = 17;             // 17 characters for the line + 1 for the '\0'
const int MaxNumberOfWords = 263533; // maximum number of words to be stored
char** theWords;                // Global dictionary

void allocateArray( char ** & dictionary)
   // Allocate space for large array of C-style strings
    dictionary = new char*[MaxNumberOfWords];

   // For each array entry, allocate space for the string to be stored there
    for (int i=0; i < MaxNumberOfWords; i++) {
        dictionary[i] = new char[ Size];

      // just to be safe, initialize C-string to all null characters 
        for (int j=0; j < Size; j++) {
            dictionary[i][j] = NULL; 
      }//end for (int j=0...)
    }//end for (int i...)
    for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++){
        FrequencyCount[j] = 0;
        FrequencyPercentage[j] = 0;
}//end allocateArray()

// Deallocate memory for the dictionary words array. I suppose
// the '&' to make matrix a reference parameter is not strictly 
// necessary, since the memory is freed up in either case.
void deallocateArray( char ** & dictionary)
   // Deallocate dynamically allocated space for the array
    for (int i=0; i < MaxNumberOfWords; i++){
      delete [] dictionary[ i];
   delete [] dictionary; // delete the array at the outermost level

/*Reads in dictionary, lowercases all the letters, does character frequency count. Also
calls a function to allocate dynamic memory*/
    void readInDictionary(){
    ifstream inStream;                          // declare an input stream for my use
    int wordRow = 0;                            // Row for the current word

    allocateArray(theWords); "dictionary.txt");
    assert(! );  // make sure file open was OK
    // Keep repeating while input from the file yields a word
    while (wordRow < MaxNumberOfWords && inStream >> theWords[wordRow])
        if (strlen(theWords[wordRow]) >= 3)
            if (strlen(theWords[wordRow]) <= 16){
                for (int i = 0; i < strlen(theWords[wordRow]); i++){
                    theWords[wordRow][i] = tolower(theWords[wordRow][i]);
                    FrequencyCount[theWords[wordRow][i] - 97]++;
                theWords[wordRow] = (theWords[wordRow]);
    // Go through the array of words, displaying each one in turn.
    // Note that we only display the words read, not the empty array
    // rows.

int main(){
    char boggleBoard[6][6], randomLetter; 
    int tableColumn, tableRow;
    float totalAmountOfCharacters = 0;

    srand(time(NULL)); //seeds random number

    /*adding asterisks manually around the boggle board in order to search for
    words around the edge faster*/
    boggleBoard[0][0] = '*';
    boggleBoard[0][1] = '*';
    boggleBoard[0][2] = '*';
    boggleBoard[0][3] = '*';
    boggleBoard[0][4] = '*';
    boggleBoard[0][5] = '*';
    boggleBoard[1][0] = '*';
    boggleBoard[2][0] = '*';
    boggleBoard[3][0] = '*';
    boggleBoard[4][0] = '*';
    boggleBoard[5][0] = '*';
    boggleBoard[5][1] = '*';
    boggleBoard[5][2] = '*';
    boggleBoard[5][3] = '*';
    boggleBoard[5][4] = '*';
    boggleBoard[5][5] = '*';
    boggleBoard[0][5] = '*';
    boggleBoard[1][5] = '*';
    boggleBoard[2][5] = '*';
    boggleBoard[3][5] = '*';
    boggleBoard[4][5] = '*';
    boggleBoard[5][5] = '*';

    /*Generates table and prints out random letters*/
    for(tableRow = 1; tableRow < 5; tableRow++)  //fills array with char values
        for(tableColumn = 1; tableColumn < 5; tableColumn++){
            randomLetter = rand() % 26 + 65;
            boggleBoard[tableRow][tableColumn] = randomLetter;
    for(tableRow = 1; tableRow < 5; tableRow++){ //prints out array as a table
        cout << "\n";
        for(tableColumn = 1; tableColumn < 5; tableColumn++)
            cout << boggleBoard[tableRow][tableColumn] << " ";
    cout << "\n\n";
    for(int j = 0; j < 26; j++)   // adds up all of the characters in the dictionary
        totalAmountOfCharacters += FrequencyCount[j];
    for(int j = 0; j< 26; j++)   // gives percentages of character vs overall characters
        FrequencyPercentage[j] = FrequencyCount[j]/totalAmountOfCharacters;
    return 0;
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