I have made 4 classes that represent an Employee based Java GUI. They are Person, Employee (extends the Person class), EmployeeFrame (used to model a JFrame), and EmployeeTester (contains the main method to run the GUI).
What I want the GUI to be able to do, is allow the user to choose between 5 employees and carry out basic functions on the salary of the chosen employee, currentEmployee. I must use the methods contained in the Employee class which are: increaseSalary(), addBonus(), and calculateMonthlyWage. I have completed the basic front end GUI and I want to know what I should add to the ActionListener in EmployeeFrame.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
public abstract class Person
protected String name; // instance variables
public Person() // constructor 1
this.name = new String();
public Person(String name) // constructor 2
this.name = name;
public String getName() // getName() method
return name;
public String toString() // toString() method
return name;
public boolean equals(Person personIn) // equals() method
return true;
return false;
public class Employee extends Person
private int employeeNumber; // Instance Variables
private String jobDescription;
private double salary;
private static int nextUniqueNumber = 1; // Next available unique Employee number
private final int MAX_SALARY = 100000; // static - means nextUniqueNumber is SHARED
private final double BONUS_A = 0.02, BONUS_B = 0.05, BONUS_C = 0.08; // amongst all Employee objects, so if one
private final double TAX_A = 0.2, TAX_B = 0.41; // of them change it, it is changed for all.
private final double HI_TAX_BAND = 36000.00;
public Employee() // Constructor 1
this.employeeNumber = nextUniqueNumber++; // Set employeeNumber to nextUniqueNumber,
this.jobDescription = new String(); // then increment it for next Employee
this.salary = 0.0;
public Employee(String name, String jobDescription, int salary) // Constructor 2
this.employeeNumber = nextUniqueNumber++; // Set employeeNumber to nextUniqueNumber,
this.jobDescription = jobDescription; // then increment it for next Employee
if(salary <= MAX_SALARY)
this.salary = salary;
salary = MAX_SALARY;
public String getJobDescription() // getJobDescription() method
return jobDescription;
public double getSalary() // getSalary() method
return salary;
public String toString() // toString() method to return details
return "EMPLOYEE NUMBER " + employeeNumber + " ==> " + super.toString() + ", " + jobDescription + " , SALARY : €" + salary;
public boolean equals(Employee employeeIn) // equals() method to compare
if(employeeNumber == employeeIn.employeeNumber &&
return true;
return false;
public String increaseSalary(double newSalary) // increaseSalary() method
String returnMessage = "";
if(newSalary > salary && newSalary <= MAX_SALARY)
salary = newSalary;
returnMessage = "Salary changed to " + newSalary;
else if(newSalary > MAX_SALARY)
returnMessage = newSalary + " exceeds allowable salary.";
else if(newSalary <= salary)
returnMessage = newSalary + " must be greater than " + salary;
return returnMessage; // return message to indicate salary changed or an error occurred
public void addBonus(int bonusPercentage) // addBonus() method
case 2:salary += (salary * BONUS_A);break;
case 5:salary += (salary * BONUS_B);break;
case 8:salary += (salary * BONUS_C);break;
if(salary > MAX_SALARY)
salary = MAX_SALARY;
public double calculateMonthlyWage() // calculateMonthlyWage() method
double wage = salary / 12;
if(salary >= HI_TAX_BAND)
wage -= (wage * TAX_B);
wage -= (wage * TAX_A);
return wage;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class EmployeeTester
public static void main(String args[])
final int NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES = 5; // declare an Array of 5 Employees called employees
Employee[] employees = new Employee[NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES];
Employee e1 = new Employee("Patrick Doyle", "Computer Programmer", 45000); // create 5 new Employee objects with initial values
Employee e2 = new Employee("Dylan Sweeney", "Project Manager", 40000);
Employee e3 = new Employee("Louise Coyle", "Software Tester", 35000);
Employee e4 = new Employee("Mark White", "Security Analyst", 42000);
Employee e5 = new Employee("Emma Logan", "Database Administrator", 32000);
employees[0] = e1; // add new objects to the array called employees
employees[1] = e2;
employees[2] = e3;
employees[3] = e4;
employees[4] = e5; // showInputDialog() passing in the employees array
// returnedValue will get the selected Employee
Employee returnedValue = (Employee)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Choose an Employee",
"EMPLOYEES", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, employees, employees[0]);
EmployeeFrame frame = new EmployeeFrame(returnedValue); // construct a EmployeeFrame object called frame,
frame.setTitle("Employee Salary Calculator"); // passing the selected Employee into the constrctor
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class EmployeeFrame extends JFrame // EmployeeFrame IS-A JFrame ==> Inheritance
private Employee currentEmployee; // instance variable to keep track of currentEmployee
private JPanel p1, p2; // declare GUI Components here
private JLabel jlblCurrentSalary, jlblBonusPercentage, jlblNewSalary, jlblMonthlyWage;
private JTextField jtfCurrentSalary, jtfBonusPercentage, jtfNewSalary, jtfMonthlyWage;
private final String requiredPassword = "LetMeIn";
private JComboBox jcbBonusPercentage;
public EmployeeFrame(Employee employeeIn) // setLayout & add Components here, takes in the
{ // selected employee & assigns it to currentEmployee
currentEmployee = employeeIn; // set up currentEmployee
p1 = new JPanel(); // construct Components
p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2,5,0));
p1.add(jlblCurrentSalary = new JLabel("Current Salary: "));
jlblCurrentSalary.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 15));
p1.add(jtfCurrentSalary = new JTextField());
p1.add(jlblBonusPercentage = new JLabel("Bonus Percentage: "));
jlblBonusPercentage.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 15));
String[] bonusPercentageList = {"2%", "5%", "8%"};
p1.add(jcbBonusPercentage = new JComboBox(bonusPercentageList));
p1.add(jlblNewSalary = new JLabel("New salary : "));
jlblNewSalary.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 15));
p1.add(jtfNewSalary = new JTextField());
p1.add(jlblMonthlyWage = new JLabel("Monthly wage: "));
jlblMonthlyWage.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 15));
p1.add(jtfMonthlyWage = new JTextField());
add(p1); // add JPanels to the JFrame
ListenerClass listener = new ListenerClass(); // indicate that this class will handle the button click
private class ListenerClass implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Employee currentEmployee = new Employee();
// increaseSalary
// addBonus
// calculateMonthlyWage