I'm making a game for class, and I don't know how to go about it for this part of the game... How do I make the program detect the command buttons around it?
The game is a 8x8 board that looks like this:
When it is a player's turn (player x) and they put an x right beside one of the O's, then it changes to X.
My code is here.
Option Explicit
Private Const playerx As String = "X"
Private Const playero As String = "O"
Private nextplayer As String
Private Sub cmd1_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim intIndex2 As Integer
'Take turns
If nextplayer = "X" Then
cmd1(Index).Caption = nextplayer
nextplayer = playero
lblAnswer.Caption = "Player O turn"
ElseIf nextplayer = "O" Then
cmd1(Index).Caption = nextplayer
nextplayer = playerx
lblAnswer.Caption = "Player X turn"
End If
'Check for other x/o beside or above placed x/o
If cmd1(Index) = nextplayer Then
If cmd1(Index + 1) <> nextplayer Then
If cmd1(Index - 9) <> nextplayer Then
cmd1(Index + 1).Caption = nextplayer
cmd1(Index - 9).Caption = nextplayer
End If
End If
End If
'Disable buttons with stuff in them
For intIndex = 0 To 63
If cmd1(intIndex).Caption <> "" Then
cmd1(intIndex).Enabled = False
cmd1(intIndex).Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNewGame_Click()
Call Form_Load
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim intIndex As Integer
'Make board blank
For intIndex = 0 To 63
cmd1(intIndex).Caption = ""
'Make board have x and o
cmd1(7).Caption = "O"
cmd1(6).Caption = "O"
cmd1(15).Caption = "O"
cmd1(14).Caption = "O"
cmd1(56).Caption = "X"
cmd1(57).Caption = "X"
cmd1(49).Caption = "X"
cmd1(48).Caption = "X"
'Disable buttons with stuff in them
For intIndex = 0 To 63
If cmd1(intIndex).Caption <> "" Then
cmd1(intIndex).Enabled = False
cmd1(intIndex).Enabled = True
End If
If nextplayer = "" Then
nextplayer = playerx
lblAnswer.Caption = "Player X turn"
End If
End Sub